Chapter twenty two

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I pressed my lips against his soft ones, feeling the way he froze for a moment, before melting into the kiss. Taking the lead, I wrapped my arms around his waist and deepened the kiss. I felt him hesitate, moving his arms a little but not knowing what to do with them. I smiled, pulling back for a short breather and grabbed his hands wrapping them around my neck.

"Don't be nervous", I pecked his lips shortly and noticed his eyes drooping slightly. I chuckled and kissed him again, this time I felt my hair being pulled softly by Taehyung's hand that was running through my hair. His other hand had sneaked between us and rested on my chest which I didn't mind.

Taehyung slumped against me and sighed into the kiss. I pulled back and he immediately nuzzled his head into my chest, arms wrapping around my waist as if I was a teddy bear.

"Are you sleepy?"

He hummed, now fully leaning onto me. I chuckled and laid us both down on the bed, him clutching onto my side like a koala. His eyes fluttered closed and his face was smudged against my chest. I ran my hand through his fluffy brown hair and tried flattening the messy hair.

"You're so cute Tae", I sighed, smirking as his cheeks bloomed a pink color.

"God blessed me I guess", he mumbled and giggled shortly after.

I smiled.

I slowly felt myself drifting to sleep and soon we were both passed out on the bed, cuddled up together.


"Noooooo. Don't leave meeeee".

I smiled amused at the whining Taehyung, lying on his stomach on the floor and clutching my right leg in his hands.

"I have a meeting Tae".

"Noooooooo", he whined dramatically, as if I told him we were having a divorce.

"I'll be lonely", he pouted, hugging my leg.

I sighed and glanced at my watch. I had five minutes left to be on time. Suddenly a bright light flashed above my head and I got an idea.

"Maybe Jin can use some help in the kitchen. He's always whining about having too much work", I offered and Taehyung shot up quickly, jumping into his shoes and dragging me to the door.

I forgot to lock it last night but luckily Taehyung was too busy sleeping to notice this. I wondered if he'd still try escaping if he would notice the door being unlocked. I mean, we kissed, but maybe that was all a ruse so he could win my trust.

I shouldn't trust him too easily after all.

The elevator had finally been fixed so we took it all the way to the first floor. I led Taehyung to the kitchen where Jin was already cutting up chicken for lunch. Since he had to feed a lot of people he always started preparing lunch very early. When he heard us walk in he looked up, his lips tugging into a smile when he saw Taehyung.

"You're okay!", he grinned brightly, walking over to Taehyung and laying both hands on his shoulders, "I got so worried last night when you had that panic attack. I thought you were dying".

Taehyung giggled and showed his boxy smile to Jin.

"I'm fine now hyung. Jungkook was able to calm me down", he said and I felt a sort of pride wash over me.

"I got someone to recruit for you", I said, "Taehyung feels lonely being alone all day and since you've been whining for forever about being alone too, I figured you guys could keep each other company".

"Oh my god that's a very good idea", Jin smiled, already grabbing Taehyung's arm to drag him over to where he was cutting up chicken. He started explaining things to Taehyung and handed him some kitchen utensils, talking about making sauce and noodles.

I decided that everything was okay and went to my meeting, which I was already too late for.

"Boss", one of the men said when I walked inside, "Namjoon couldn't make it today. Seems like he's having the flu. Are we having the meeting without him or should we cancel it?"

"We can proceed without him", I stated, walking over to the chair on the head of the table, "So the first point on today's agenda is the weapon trade between China's biggest gang and us. It seems they want to hand us approximately 1.200 newly produced poison guns. In exchange, they want that drug we have on our hands ever since we barged into the White Tiger's hideout. Any thoughts?"

"Isn't it dangerous to just trust these guys?, one of the council members spoke up, "They're known to be frauds and liars".

"But on the other hand", another guy spoke up, "We have no use for that drug except keeping it for trade. Why don't we just get rid of it and get guns in return?"

"Doesn't that make room for a big question though", one of the women said, "Why do they want this drug? What's its purpose?"

"Well the gang is mostly run by stoners. So it wouldn't surprise me if they want to try it themselves", one man said.

"Shouldn't we first know the consequences of the drug before we trade it?", a woman spoke up.

"Are you implying it may be a drug that has positive effects instead of the usual hallucinations?"

"I have no idea but it may be a good idea to test it out before handing a maybe dangerous drug to a rival gang".

I sighed, "So we first test the drug and if it turns out to have normal effects like hallucinations and stuff we trade it?"

Everyone seemed to agree on this.

"Okay, then the second point of today-"

Everyone's head turned to the door that had been knocked on just a second ago. I balled my fists and glared at the door, hating to be interrupted in a meeting. The door slightly opened and someone peeked inside. My gaze softened when I recognized the brown fluffy hair and the warm eyes.

"Ah- sorry", Taehyung smiled, uncomfortable with all the stares directed at him. His eyes flitted to me and his smile widened. He walked over to me and leant down so his mouth was right beside my ear.

"I- uh made something for you but I wasn't sure if I could bring it into a meeting but then Jin hyung told me to give it to you before they got cold so um here", his cheeks flushed pink as he set down a plate full of decorated cookies.

I glanced at the golden treats and then back at him.

He cleared his throat while fumbling with a loose string on his sweater and mumbled, "Cookies for my Kookie".

I noticed all the stares burning into my side as I smiled at the blushing boy, placing my hands on his waist to bring him into my lap.

"Thank you", I smiled, shortly pecking his lips which made him smile shyly.

"I-It was n-nothing", he stuttered, glancing at the people staring at us, "I-I should go. Jin hyung will be waiting for me".

I nodded and let him off my lap, seeing him dart to the door, still uncomfortable with everyone looking at him. As soon as he was out of the room everyone's heads turned to me. Some with shocked faces, others with a frown and one woman was eyeing the plate hungrily. I decided to ignore their questioning looks and grabbed a cookie which had a pink heart drawn on it with glazing. I bit a piece of it and grinned at the people sitting around the table.

"Let's proceed, shall we?"

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