Chapter twenty five

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Omg i know he puked but he brushed his teeth ya'll (be happy i at least made him brush them. I first forgot I made him puke and when I reread the whole chapter I was like WTF BRUH YOU DIDN'T BRUSH THE TOOTHIES)

Also don't expect a fifth update bc I'm gonna catch some Zzzzs.

I was frozen for a second, just staring at the ethereal brunette underneath me who was blushing like crazy after saying those three words. I couldn't move or say anything until I recollected my thoughts and realized that I infiltrated a rival gang, went against my father and ripped a guy to shreds for this boy.

Damn I'm smitten.

"I m-mean- it's okay if y-you don't like me b-back. You are a leader of K-Korea's biggest g-gang after all. You c-could probably get a-anyone you want with that b-bad boy look going on and all-"

I shortly kissed his lips and he instantly fell silent.

"I like you too Taehyung", I smiled, "Sorry for the late answer".

"W-were you having s-some internal c-crisis or something?", he asked with a smile, his sore throat making him cough and he winced at the pain.

"Sort of", I rolled off him and wrapped an arm around him when he turned around to cuddle with me.

"Have that a lot t-too", he replied, "Stockholm syndrome and a-all that".

I chuckled, kissing the top of his head.

"I'm keeping you close from now. No one's stealing you away this time", I stated, "And if I go on a mission again you can stay with Jin hyung. I trust him to take good care of you until I come back".

"Or d-don't go on missions", he mumbled, tracing a pattern on my chest with his index finger, "And stay h-here safely with me".

"Can't do that princess", I sighed, "I'm the boss and the boss needs to lead his team".

He huffed, "It was worth a t-try asking".

He looked up at me with his brown doe eyes, "Does your leg still hurt?"

I shrugged, "I've felt worse that just some scrape wound".

"Like what?", he asked curiously.

"Bullet wounds, knife wounds, being beaten to a pulp,... You name it, I've been through it", I grinned.

"Why are you h-happy with that?", he asked in disbelief, sitting up a bit.

I sat up too and smirked at him, "Because I've survived them all. And the people who hurt me didn't".

His mouth fell agape, "My mom always t-told me not to fall for bad boys but I think I actually p-picked the worse one out of them all!"

I chuckled, "Awe, is the good Christian boy rebelling against his parents?"

He pouted and crossed his arms.


"You're cute".

His eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed a strawberry red, "Wha- You can't just blurt something out like that!"

He whined and hid his face in his hands.

"It's embarrassing", he mumbled against the palm of his hand.

"I'm sorry kitten, but you're just too adorable", I smiled grabbing his arms. He fell on top of me by my strong pull and shrieked. "I could just eat you up".

He glanced up at me and gave me cute frown, "That's cannibalism".

I rolled my eyes and squished him against my chest. He wriggled around in my grip and the top of his head hit my chin. Finally being comfortable on my chest he sighed satisfied and his eyes fluttered closed. I flicked the lights off and got comfortable too without moving Taehyung too much.

I pecked his hair and closed my eyes too. But before I could drift into sleep I felt something shortly press against my nose.



"Did you just fucking boop my nose?"



"Because life needs more booping. I always boop my neighbor's dog's nose. He loves it".

"I'm not a fucking dog".

"Alrighty then. But I'm not a kitten".

"Yes you are".

"But no-"

"Yes you are".

He grumbled.


"Good night kitten".

"Good night puppy".

"Taehyung what the fuck-"

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