Chapter twelve

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I didn't know how it happened but Taehyung was in my room, sitting on my bed, his legs dangling against the bedframe. He was fumbling with the dark bedsheets and the only sound that was in the room was the ticking clock which filled the dreading silence & his legs that hit the bedframe with every tick. I hadn't expected to find him in my room after coming back from my meeting. Especially when I was again covered in blood because of some member I decided to shoot after finding out he had spilled some information to the wrong people. The guy had had the audacity to run so I found it in myself to chase after him and beat the actual living crap out of him.

So now I was a bloody mess with Taehyung sitting awkwardly in my room, seemingly unaware of my presence.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known but instead of having the desired effect it had the exact opposite. I had expected Taehyung to flinch or at least back away but he didn't even move an inch as he looked up at me through the bangs of his hair falling in front of his hazel eyes. His gaze went from bored looking to a sudden scared one, though he quickly replaced that expression with a bored one again. Even though his body was tense from seeing the blood splatters he still didn't want me to see him in a distressed state.

"What are you doing here? How did you even get here?"

Taehyung glanced at the framed photo standing on the table next to the tv. He nodded his head at the person standing left from me in the picture.

"That guy dragged me down here, threatened to cut off my legs if I moved an inch and locked me up inside. I've been sitting here for ten minutes bored out of my mind", he stated, eyes flitting back to the floor.

I knitted my eyebrows together, confused as to why Yoongi would do such a thing. He was known to be the least impulsive person in the group. He would often weigh down the possibilities and the positive and negative points of the decision he was about to make. So why would he randomly drag Taehyung here without telling me anything about it. He surely had an explanation for it, but I was unconvinced if he would tell me what it was.

I took a few steps closer so I wasn't standing in front of the door anymore and saw Taehyung flinch. His gaze was still stuck on the floor but I could tell he was looking at me from the corners of his eyes.

"Y-You're covered in blood", he stated.

I shrugged, "You wanna know why?"

He shook his head quickly.

"Pity", I sighed, "It's quite a thrilling story".

I noticed he was trembling again and decided to get out of his sight for a moment.

"I'm going to take a shower. No funny moves when I'm gone or it'll be futile to wash this blood off me if I'm going to be covered in it again", I said casually though I knew it implanted fear in his system. I walked to the shower which was in the bathroom connected to my room and stripped myself off my clothes. After taking a short but refreshing shower I wrapped a towel around me, cursing myself when I realized I hadn't taken any fresh clothes with me.

"Oh well", I shrugged, stepping out of the bathroom in only a towel.

I was pleased to see that Taehyung still hadn't moved an inch. He did look up when he heard my footsteps coming closer and his eyes widened at my almost naked state.

"It's bad for your eyesight to stare too long at someone so handsome as me", I chuckled, seeing his cheeks flush red.

"It's bad for my general health anyway to be here since I can get fluffing killed every moment of the day", he retorted.

"Ooh the kitten got claws. Feisty", I grinned, taking out a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt.

"You're an asshole for bringing me here", Taehyung said through gritted teeth.

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