Chapter twenty four

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Taehyung's P.O.V

My body felt as if it was currently underwater. Every sound seemed far away and my vision was blurry. I heard someone yelling and others reacting to it. The sounds slowly but surely got closer until I could recognize just who was talking.

"He fucking poisoned him!?"


"Yes, but I gave him something so he will throw up the poison before it can dissolve in his stomach".


"Don't you think you went a little too hard on him?", Yoongi asked, "I mean- You can't even recognize him anymore. Is that an ear or a toe? I have no idea".

"If you weren't our leader I would've sent you right to a mental institute", Jin sighed, "You quite literally tore him apart".

I heard Jungkook growl, "He was planning on kidnapping Taehyung! How long has he been in this gang?"

"Two years".

"That means he's been a spy for another gang for two fucking years!", Jungkook yelled out.

"You don't know that. Maybe he was only recently paid to spy on us", Jin said.

"Well it doesn't fucking matter now because he's fucking dead", Jungkook hissed lowly.

I tried lying still to hear their conversation but I suddenly felt bile raising in my throat and realized that Jin's product was working right now. I jumped off the bed I was lying in, realizing I was in some kind of hospital room in the gang's factory. Everything was white and there was a white curtain blocking my way. I staggered over to it and tried opening it but my legs felt like jelly and soon I hit the floor. I tried hauling myself up but I could barely keep my body up with my arms and knees as I faced the floor. I heard the others running over to me and the curtain was swiped open but it was too late. The contents that were once in my stomach were now on the floor. I felt my eyes tear up and my throat sting at the sour taste of everything I ate and drank before.

"Oh honey", I heard Jin sigh, "I should've left a bucket next to your bed".

My arms wobbled but I really didn't want to fall down since beneath me was a pool of puke. I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and haul me up. Recognizing Jungkook's cologne mixed with smoke and the usual ring on his right hand, I felt myself relax. I was carried to the faucet where I could wash my hands that were covered with bits of food and rinsed them with a ton of strawberry soap. A toothbrush and a toothpaste laid next to the sink so I could brush my teeth and forget the sour aftertaste.

Jungkook didn't say anything as he set me down shortly on the ground, only to carry me bridal style out of the room. I leaned my head against his chest and closed my eyes, realizing how wobbly the way to our room was.

"A-Are you li-limping?", I managed to croak out. I tried looking him in the eye but he kept his gaze fixed forward, never glancing down.

"That rat tried shooting me. It only grazed my leg", he spoke out coldly. I felt shivers running down my body at his cold attitude. Was he angry with me? Did I do something wrong. Was he mad because I threw up on the floor?

He carried me into his room and placed me on the bed in my usual spot. He laid the covers over me and tucked me in, walking over to the bathroom to get out a bucket in case I'd throw up again.

"A-Are you m-mad a-at me?", I asked, feeling tears form in my eyes but I rapidly blinked them away. He hadn't even spared me a glance. Was this his way of ignoring me?

"I-I'm so-sorry f-for r-ruining th-the floor", I stuttered, my voice hoarse because of my sore throat, "I-I'm r-really s-sorry-"

"Do you really think I'm mad because of that?", he suddenly interrupted me, finally looking at me.

I caught his stare that was filled with rage and I whimpered, feeling the tears threatening to pour out. My bottom lip wobbled and I bit back a sob, not wanting to actually cry because I knew it wouldn't end soon. He seemed to notice this and his gaze softened. His hands went to cup my face and he cursed himself under his breath.

"Hey. I'm not mad. I'm not angry at you. Fuck, if anything I'm hating myself right now", he told me, softly caressing my cheek, "You were almost taken again. And I realize that's my fault. Because I was so stupid to bring you here. And you get hurt because of me. I'm not even sure when I've gotten so freaking selfish. And I don't know why you haven't left yet. The opportunities were there but you stayed. And heck, I don't think I'd survive you leaving this place. But at the same time I don't know if you'll survive staying in this place. This has been the second kidnapped in two days and you're suffering because me and I-"

I quickly snaked my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him closer so our lips smashed together.

He lost his balance momentarily and fell on top of me. I didn't mind and kept myself concentrated on our kiss. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip and I unconsciously opened my mouth, feeling his tongue slip in.

I don't know how long that make out session went on for but when we pulled back to gasp for air, and I, for the first time in my life, saw Jeon Jungkook blush. He pushed himself up and hovered above me, his legs resting in between mine.

He seemed flustered at the sudden kis I had initiated and coughed to hide his awkwardness.

"I th-thought you'd gone o-on for-forever", I croaked out.

"Well uh- it was quite unexpected", he chuckled softly.

"I n-notice", I grin, "You're e-even blushing b-because of it".

His eyes widened and he placed a hand on his cheek, feeling the heat radiating.

"Well that's embarrassing", he smiled.

I smiled back and thought about his words.

"T-to answer you. I d-don't know myself wh-why I haven't escaped y-yet. M-Maybe it's b-because of you..."

His smile was gently and his eyes suddenly sparkled.

"What about me?"

"I-I think", I stuttered, "I think I l-like you".

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