Chapter thirty three

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"What are you doing here Hobi?"

The ginger haired male quickly closed the door behind him and smiled at the sad boy sitting on the bed.

"Your parents called me", Hoseok answered, "They said you weren't really communicating with anyone except your sister".

"So they sent you here", Taehyung replied.

Hoseok nodded, "Hey, better me than some psychiatrist, am I right?"

The older frowned upon seeing the lack of smile on the red head's face. He wanted to point out how good the red hair dye looked on his best friend but decided to keep silent.

"What happened to you Tae?"

The younger's gaze slid from the floor to his best friend, trying his best not to break down. He was aware of how his parents were hurting because of him. He knew people were worried about him. He knew about the made appointment with the psychiatrist. But how could he care when he felt numb to everything? How to world had been turned upside down by meeting Jungkook and how everything had changed so suddenly. Nothing was the same and Taehyung also applied to that.

"Jungkook", Taehyung mumbled, feeling old memories poke around his head. He quickly felt the painful tears brimming in his eyes and he furiously wiped them away, wanting to finally stop fucking crying.

"Hey, hey, Tae, are you okay?", Hoseok quickly neared his best friend and crouched down.

Taehyung didn't know why but this angered him immensily.

"Do I look fucking okay?", he snapped, turning around so his back was facing the older. This way he didn't see the hurt look on his best friend's face.

"It's okay now Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook won't come back for you. He's gone now-"

"That's the fucking problem!", Taehyung yelled, tears now streaming down his face though he had a fierce glare in his eyes.


Taehyung sighed and buried his face in his hands, not knowing how he could ever explain all the things that had happened to him.

"Try to forget about him. He can't hurt you anymore. The police are searching for him anywhere they can".

"I can't. I can't", Taehyung sighed, "I want him back Hoseok. I need him. They can't find him".

Hoseok's breath hitched and he slowly got up, backing away from his best friend.

"T-Tae", he breathed, "Maybe you should talk with someone. This Stockholm Syndrome is getting out of hand".

The red head slowly uncovered his face and stared at his best friend without emotion.

"You call it Stockholm Syndrome because you don't know what happened. You didn't see the way he looked at me, the comforting words he whispered at night, the warm cuddles we shared or even my first kiss. I love him Hoseok, and I don't care how anyone calls it. I call it love, and that won't change".

Jungkook's P.O.V

"I know you don't want to talk with us Jungkook but everybody wants to see you. Namjoon isn't mad at you anymore, neither is Yoongi. Even your father forgot about his anger and is plainly worried about you".

I sighed, hearing the faint voice of Jin who was standing behind the door. I turned on my side and glanced at the clock, seeing it was already 2 pm. I hadn't eaten yet and my stomach rumbled. I knew Jin had food with him and my sadness was slowly pushed away at the thought of lamb skewers.

"Please just talk to us Jungkookie. We really need you as a leader but also as our friend. It's honestly depressing to see our members be so worried-"

I slung the door open and faced Jin who was carrying a plate with lamb skewers. His face showed surprise until it quickly morphed into happiness.

"I hadn't expected you to actually open the door!", he grinned, immediately engulfing me into a hug. I grunted and snatched the plate out of his hands, already wolfing down the food.

"You look horrible", Jin furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched his nose, "And you smell the same".

I glared at him and proceeded chewing.

"Namjoon and Yoongi want to talk to you. They have something important to say".

I rolled my eyes, "I dofn't cawe".


"Nah", I shook my head and was ready to slam the door back shut when-

"It's about Taehyung. He's in danger".

I swallowed the food and wiped my mouth, "I'll be down in ten".

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