Chapter twenty nine

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"Oh my god Taehyung!?"


I almost dropped the bags of groceries on the ground when I heard a familiar voice echoing through the hallway. Taehyung and I had been to the supermarket to get some food. While I was carrying most of the bags, I had told Taehyung to open the door for me so I wouldn't have to wait.

So as soon as I walked up the stairs to our floor and recognized the teenage boy clutching Taehyung's shoulders tightly, alarm bells started ringing inside my head.

I stepped closer slowly, Lukas' back turned to me as he fired questions at the shocked brunette.

"What the fuck Taehyung! Where the hell have you been? You suddenly disappeared and everyone started searching for you but it was like you vanished! And then I realized Jungkook's stuff was gone and when I told the camp counselors another camper had disappeared, they looked at me strangely and told me there never was a Jungkook at camp!? Like what!? You saw him too right? I'm not crazy right?", he asked loudly, shaking Taehyung around.

The said brunette glanced over Lukas' shoulder and saw me approaching, an unsure expression appeared on his face.

"No you're not crazy", I smiled, placing my hand on the blonde's shoulder who froze momentarily, "I just stole Taehyung away for a little while".

Lukas turned around, almost scared, and swatted my hand away when he recognized my face.

"A little while!? Camp ended weeks ago!", he huffed, "My parents signed me up for a talk with a psychiatrist!"

"Well you are a bit mental", I joked, seeing him huff once again.

"So what are you guys doing here?", he asked, placing his hands on his hips, "Have you informed your parents where you are yet?"

He turned to Taehyung and I nodded behind Lukas' back, telling him to say yes.

"Yeah", Taehyung smiled though I could see behind the fake mask, "I live with Jungkook now. They're totally fine with this... Well, it obviously was a very big hassle to convince them to let me go but I think they finally realized I couldn't live at home forever".

"So you just moved in here?", he asked, now turning to me.

I nodded, "Yeah, yesterday. We've just done our first shopping. I'll just go and set them down in the kitchen".

I walked past Taehyung and threw him a knowing glare, as if to say 'don't tell him anything'. I had made him wear a mask and a beanie to go shopping since the police might be looking for him. Without him knowing I also bought a few bottles of hair dye and contact lenses so I'd have to worry less about his appearance. We can never be safe enough.

I heard Taehyung walk in moments later, shutting the front door behind him.

"Lukas lives two doors away from us", he informed me, "Apparently Jimin didn't break up with him this time so he often visits".

I grunted at the thought of yet another camper in this building, knowing about our existence.

"What are these?"

Turning around I saw Taehyung standing at the dining table, holding up a bottle of red hair dye and examining the others lined up next to each other.

"Hair dye", I stated simply, going back to placing the food inside the fridge and cabinets.

"Yeah but why?", he asked confused until I heard him gasp, "Is this for me?"

I hummed and faced him again, seeing his face lit up in excitement, "I've always wanted to dye my hair! My parents didn't let me though..."

"You can choose a color and I'll help you with dying it later", I told him, smiling when I saw the big grin on his lips.

"Yes! Thank you Kookie!", he bounced over to me and shortly pecked my lips before going back to the table to choose a color.

"Let's see what we have here", I heard him mumble to himself, "Beach blonde, raven black, cherry red, lavender, soft pink, pumpkin orange, snow white or silver... They all sound wonderful! How do I choose?"

"Black would attract the least of attention of course", he mumbled to himself and picked up the bottle, "And if I mix this with blue contact lenses I'd look super cool!"

"Pick something you like babe", I smiled, walking over to him, "Why don't you pick the red one? It'd match your cheeks half of the time".

As soon as I winked I saw his face bloom red and he snatched the bottle out of my hand.

"Red it is then".

"Red it is then"

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