Chapter fifteen

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Sorry for the long wait. It's been busyyyy (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

Another day, another son of a bitch that needed to die, another deal that went through, another police officer that ran over to our side. It was a typical day but one thing wasn't right. Normally, when I walked into my room, there would be a cute brunette boy sitting or sleeping on my bed, waiting for me to come back because he was bored otherwise. But this time it seemed Yoongi didn't bring him over to my room. I didn't know why my hyung took him to my room in the first place since I never gave him permission to. But it was not like I was complaining about Taehyung being with me. I liked his company since it took my brain off the business most of the time.

So this time the room was silent and I got no greeting when walking inside. I frowned and dropped the stack of documents in my hands on the desk. I was still in my suit which I had to wear for a formal meeting I had with the heads of the gang in other countries. They were all underneath me, of course, but they were heavily respected by my father and they had won his trust, so I had to trust and respect them as well.

I stretched my aching arms from the heavy stack of papers I had to carry on many flights of stairs since the elevator had stopped working yesterday. One of the members got stuck in it and panicked. It was quite funny to see him kiss the ground as soon as we got him out. Since then the elevator has been under maintenance.

The silence was getting to me and the stack of documents to work on looked anything but inviting. I turned my back to my room and walked out, my feet bringing me over to a certain brunette's room that was located on the left side of the hallway from my point of view. I thought about knocking but then remembered I didn't really care about knocking, so I just went inside. Taehyung wasn't passed out on the bed like usually but he was on his knees in front of the bed, his hands clasped together in front of him and his eyes closed.

"What are you doing?", I asked, raising an eyebrow at his weird position.

"I'm praying you idiot", Taehyung mumbled and then resumed mumbling incoherent words.


Taehyung opened one eye to peek at me, "Did you forget you kidnapped me from a Christian camp? That means I'm a christian".

"So? Not every Christian prays", I plopped down onto the bed, hearing him sigh.

"But I do", he snapped tiredly, "Got any problems with that?"

I held my hands up, "Woah take a chill pill. What's gotten you so winded up?"

He sighed again and dropped his hands in defeat. I now noticed the dark circles underneath his eyes and the slumping position he held his body in. He stood up and dropped back down onto the bed, closing his eyes again.

"'M tired", he mumbled against the mattress, "Didn't sleep very well".

"Again?", I asked confused, "How come?"

Taehyung pushed his face off the bed and glared at the wall on his left, "Some members of your gang really wanted to make their sex life known to the people sleeping next to them because they got it on all night".

"Oh you mean Jackson-"

"I know their names now alright", Taehyung huffed, "Heard them being screamed all night".

"I'll tell them to keep it down next time", I chuckled, "But you haven't been catching sleep for a while now. Those dark circles don't appear after one night of bad night sleep".

He shrugged, "I'm a bad sleeper. I don't fall asleep very easily".

"Got things on your mind?"

"Except for the fact I got kidnapped by some gang leader and am kept in his gang-", Taehyung sarcastically spoke.

"Okay I get it", I sighed, "But you really need to sleep some more".

"I sleep", he spoke.

"During the day", I pointed out.

"So? It's not like I have anything better to do".

I arched an eyebrow at his pissed off mood. He was't actint like usual. Was it the lack of sleep that made him like this?

"You're sleeping in my room tonight", I stated, standing up from the bed to make my way over to the door.

"What!?", I heard him yell out, "Why?"

"There's going to be a party tonight so your neighbors will be at it again", I said with my back still turned to him.

"Can't I just get another room?", Taehyung asked confused, "You have a ton of space anyway. I bet there are a lot of empty rooms in this building-".

I got ahold of the door handle, "See you tonight Taehyung".

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