Chapter eleven

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After my talk with Yoongi, which resulted into some former members getting killed for spilling information to one of our rivals, I made my way upstairs. I mostly never did the dirty work, letting other members take care of it, but because of me being absent for a while and having to act like a saint kid I decided on doing it myself. Now the metallic scent engulfed me and the blood splatters on my shirt were sure to stain. This made me quite pissed but pleased at the same time.

I wandered around the hallway on the seventh floor, passing my door and going over to the room where Taehyung resided. I got out the key which I got from Namjoon and cracked the door open just a bit. The light from the hallway fell inside the room, making a stripe on the floor. I saw the figure of Taehyung lying in bed, his face smushed against the pillow and his hair falling softly in his eyes.

I smiled lightly and closed the door again, locking it and going to my room to clean up. It was already far past midnight and I wondered if Lukas was worrying where I was. Or where Taehyung was.

I didn't quite care and headed for the ensuite shower in my room, trying to wash the blood off me. After a hot shower I dressed myself in sweatpants and a black shirt, effectively falling down on the bed so I could finally sleep.

I woke up because of some members talking loudly in the hallway, their footsteps echoing through the seventh floor. It was already 10 am when I glanced at my watch, grunting when I realized I had a meeting today at 2. I changed into ripped jeans and a sweater, trying to flatten down my hair by running my hands through it. Here at the base I didn't quite care about my appearance. It was not like I was trying to woo anyone here.

The moment I stepped out on the hallway and my eyes fell on the door at the end of the hallway it was like I finally awoke out of my sleep.


I forgot I brought that goody two shoes here.

After decided on grabbing a box of cereal, two bowls & milk I made my way towards Taehyung's room. It was still dark inside since the curtains were closed and only a small amount of light was able to filter in through the thick material. I placed everything down on the nightstand and swiftly opened the curtains, letting the morning sun in. I heard a groan from behind me and saw Taehyung squinting against the light. He looked like a lost kitten in the morning light, his eyes small and his hair messy. I realized he had taken off his pants at night so his long tan legs were showing from underneath the covers like a tease.

I tore my gaze away from his legs to focus on having breakfast. I threw him a bowl which made him shriek by the sudden ceramic hitting his chest. He finally seemed to realize what was happening when he gasped and crawled against the headboard, wrapping the bedsheets tightly around him. His expression was a mixture of utter fear and anxiety.

"Good morning to you too", I laughed shortly, throwing him the box of cornflakes when I had filled my own bowl. He grabbed it mid air with great difficulty, almost spilling the contents on the bed.

"Y-You're Jeon Jungkook", he uttered out, still clutching the box in his hand.

"That's my name. Don't wear it out", I winked, munching on the cereal. He looked lost in the situation which made me sigh.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast? Don't want you to starve, do you?"

Taehyung shook his head and poured some cereal in his bowl, filling it afterwards with milk. He shakily grabbed the spoon I held in front of him, pulling his arm back so quickly I was scared he was getting a spasm. He was really scared of me.

"So what's on your mind right now?", I asked after getting enough of his silent munching state.

He swallowed the cereal and stared at his bowl, "I'm wondering how you will kill me".

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