Chapter forty

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CHAPTER 40 WOOOH!!! (I never intended this fanfic to be so long)(also: I'm going to confess to my crush the next time I get the chance)

"I fucking hate handcuffs".

Yoongi chuckled as he watched Jungkook let go of the pole that he had plunged in an officer's chest. It was a gruesome sight that both men had been accustomed to by being in a ruthless gang for years. Yoongi threw one of the guns he had in his hands to Jungkook who caught it swiftly.

"Except if they're on a special somebody maybe", the mint haired man retorted and noticed the faint blush that spread on the younger's face, probably from the dirty imagine that was brought into his head.

"Oh fuck off", the raven haired male mumbled, cleaning his blood soaked hands on his prison outfit, "Let's get out of here".



The brunette blinked his eyes rapidly, confused about the sudden blurriness in his vision that had appeared out of nowhere. Had he been crying in his sleep again? He wiped his eyes and threw a glance at the nurse standing at the door. The teen smelled the food scent in the air and almost gagged at the thought of eating. He knew that if he ate, he would also lose control over his brain again, so not eating meant being somewhat okay.

"If you have finished your lunch you can come out. Doctor Sarah will be waiting for you".

Taehyung nodded even though he knew he wouldn't be touching that plate. And he also knew he wouldn't be going out. As soon as the door closed again and the nurse had left, he turned on his side and tried falling asleep again.

Sleep was the only place where his mind could find peace. Those medicines they put in his food only made his brain worsen and let him see horrible things. He had been trying to sleep ever since they told him the news about Jungkook. At least in his dreams he was still alive. At least in his dreams they could be together.

Taehyung huffed and pulled the cold white covers over his body. He had been given a new outfit since he threw up all over his old one. Even though it was freezing in the room, Taehyung had still kicked off his trousers, hating the feeling of the rough material on his skin. He contemplated on throwing off his shirt too but he would freeze to death if he did.

Not that he'd mind though.

As he was falling into a deep slumber again, his ears couldn't help but pick up some commotion happening on the hallway.

Maybe a patient had escaped, he thought and pushed the noises away, I wish you good luck on escaping out of this hell hole.

He then felt his eyes droop and the sounds eventually faded into white noise.


"Why are there so many of them?", Jungkook groaned, locking a door. Behind it were numerous nurses, knocked out and tied together.

"Because this is one of the biggest mental hospitals in the country", Namjoon replied, walking along the hallway to find a specific number painted on the doors. He halted at the last one of the hallway, one that had more locks than the other ones and one that stated "KIM TAEHYUNG" on the name tag that hung on the door knob.

He only had to yell the words, "Found him!", and Jungkook was by his side in approximately 2 seconds. Namjoon inspected the numerous lock and found out that the door wasn't locked. He stepped back and nodded at the younger who looked almost anxious.

"The stage is yours boss", he spoke, giving Jungkook a pat on the shoulder, "We'll stay here". Yoongi, who was leaning against the wall flashed the younger a comforting smile though he seemed a bit nervous himself.

The raven haired male bit his lip and creaked the door open before stepping inside and closing it again. His eyes flitted from the cold plate of food that stood on the ground to the only other presence in the room with him.

There he was, Taehyung, huddled up in bed and sleeping soundly. Jungkook felt the smile grow on his face as he stepped closer, admiring the boy he had fallen in love with not too long ago.

The bed dipped down when he sat down next to the sleeping teen. He hesitantly reached out to the other's brown fluffy hair that still had some red hair dye in it and ran his hand through it. In the past, Taehyung would have sighed in his sleep and leant into the touch. But now, the teen jolted awake and backed away quickly, his body trembling and his eyes widening immediately.

"It's okay", Jungkook spoke in a soft voice, holding his hands up in defense, "It's only me".

Instead of seeing the bright smile he loved like he had expected, Taehyung began screaming. His eyes started leaking tears and his whole body shivered.

"N-No!", he yelled, clawing at his hair, "You're not real!"

He sobbed, trying his hardest to ignore the other's stare directed at him.

"You're dead!"

Jungkook was taken aback by this. He frowned as he realized the state his lover was in. He had lost weighed and his eyes had faded into a colorless pit where once stars sparkled.

"I'm not", he reassured the other, "I'm alive. I've escaped out of prison and now I'm here to get you of this hell hole".

"They told me you were dead!", Taehyung wailed, "Doctor Sarah wouldn't lie! You're just another hallucination!"

The brunette cried and scrambled off the bed. He fell on the ground and quickly snatched the plate of food off the ground.

"I'm crazy", the teen muttered before stuffing his mouth full of tasteless rice, "The medicines don't make me crazy, I already am".

At his realization he started giggling, feeling the pills kicking in already.

"I'm sick", he chuckled, not seeing the hurt and worried expression on the older's face, "I deserve this. Kookie is dead and my brain is as good as dead too. I'm going to be transferred to section Z and die lonely. Taehyungie will die and be with Kookie".

Tears started pooling in Jungkook's eyes at the sight of his lover being a broken mess. This wasn't the boy he had met at camp. This wasn't the innocent teen that had baked him cookies. This was a whole other person, and he realized this was all his fault.

"See, you can't be my Kookie", Taehyung smiled, pointing at the older's face, "My Kookie wouldn't cry. My Kookie is strong".

Jungkook bit back a sob and looked at the younger through his tears, "How can I be strong when they made this out of you? Where is the boy I met at camp? What did they do to you?"

The brunette stared at his so called hallucination and tilted his head. He then giggled and felt his head go drowsy. The pills were definitely kicking in.

"You're not real", he yawned, rolling himself into a little ball on the cold floor, "I don't want to see you anymore so I'm going to take a nap".

Jungkook watched his lover's chest rise in a slow rhythm. The boy laid shaking on the white freezing tiles, his knees brought to his chest.

Jungkook walked over to him and held the passed out brunette in his arms, caressing the rosy cheeks and fluffy hair that he adored so much. He then picked him up from the floor and pecked Taehyung on the forehead.

"Everything will be alright", he smiled through silent tears, "We're together again".

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