Chapter nineteen

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"Why are you being so fucking dense!?", I growled out, my fists making the table shake at the big impact.

Namjoon blinked at me, his face had stayed blank through the whole discussion. Even now he wasn't reacting and it frustrated me to the core.

"We know their location, we're stronger and with more! Why don't proceed this mission?", I yelled out.

He sighed and fixed his glasses, seemingly annoyed at my behavior.

"Do you really think we can just barge in, kill them all and grab Taehyung on our way out?", he said in a serious tone, "I can't believe you've grown so fucking soft for him".


Namjoon stood up from his chair and dropped the files in his hands on the table.

"Yoongi has been informing me for these past days on your behavior. I think every person here has noticed how you're acting around him, like he's your fucking sunshine. And now you want to attack one of our biggest rivals just for him?"

"Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same for Jin hyung", I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I wouldn't", he stated, "And you know I wouldn't".

"I know you miss him hyung, but I don't want Taehyung to end up like him", I sighed, "This is an innocent life we're talking about".

He scoffed, "Like you've cared about that before. I remember you shooting a guy because he was standing in the way of your real victim".

I glared at him. I knew he was right. But that random guy was a lot different than Taehyung.

"Whatever", I kicked my chair back, "I'm proceeding the mission anyway".

"In that case", Namjoon stopped me by holding his hand in front of me when I tried walking out. He had a remote in his hand and pointed it at the giant screen in the room.

"Your father wants to talk to you".


The screen showed my dad on a videocall. He looked serious, his grey suit fitting him perfectly. Of course it was specially made for him. Namjoon left the room so I was alone with my frowning parent.

"Hello father", I bowed to show my respect. I heard a sigh coming from the videocall and saw the glare on his face.

"I heard the talk you had with Namjoon", he told me. My face went a little paler but I still wanted to look tough in front of my father. I was assigned to be a gang leader for a reason after all.

"You like that boy?", he asked, a little concern laced in his voice, "Because you know, I was content when I heard you finally found a friend since I know you've been pretty lonely in this gang. But when I heard that boy wasn't in our gang, but rather kidnapped by you, I had a lot of questions. And now you've gained a soft spot for him? Jungkook, you know how dangerous it is for a leader to have someone special... You've already faced the consequences by now".

I gritted my teeth, "He isn't someone special. He's just some annoying guy who was suspicious of my identity so I had no other choice to bring him here".

"You could've killed him", my dad stated simply, like it was an everyday thing. Well to us it was.

"He's still an innocent person", I argued.

"Like Namjoon already said, you've never cared about that before".

I sighed. There was no way he would ever let me win this argument, would he?

"He was kidnapped because he was sleeping in your room. Of course they thought he was special to you. A young and pretty boy sleeping in a gang leader's bed? That just screams 'weak spot'".

"I get your point", I retorted, "But that doesn't mean he deserves to die because of my stupid fault".

"You can't just declare war on the Rattlesnakes for a mere boy".

"And why not", I spat back, "They attacked us yesterday night for no reason! That's basically a war declaration!"

"Don't raise your voice at me, young man", my father spoke sternly, "And you've lost enough gang members as it is already. Many are still recovering. You can't just barge into the Rattlesnakes hideout for a boy and then lose more members".

He was right, I know he was. But the thought of Taehyung getting mistreated, abused or tortured was painful.

"Fine", I said through gritted teeth, "But if he dies, which he will, I will not stand responsible for the consequences".

I ended the call shortly after that and let my body hit the chair, slumping into it.

"It seems I'm on my own for this mission. I'll be there soon Taehyung".

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