Chapter three

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Oooh where's this going!???

Namjoon held his word. Around 2 am when I was watching my daily dose of porn while Lukas was sleeping I got a text, interrupting the moment. Sneakily sliding out of bed and slipping on a sweater to hide my bulge I tip toed out of the room. Nuns roamed the hallways every now and then to make sure everyone stayed in bed so I couldn't just go out the door. I decided on opening the window and jumping through it. Lukas seemed to be a heavy sleeper so he didn't even move a muscle when the window creaked open. I really am lucky to have this dude as my roommate.

The night air was fairly chilly but my sweater protected my skin against the coldness. Headlights shone through the trees and I followed the light until I found Namjoon sitting on the trunk of his car, bag next to him.

"Those my clothes?", I pointed at them when I stepped in front of him. He had been deep in thought it seemed so he was surprised when I appeared.

"Jesus you scared me!", he held his heart and panted heavily.

"First of all, you're in a famous gang, shouldn't you be used to sneak attacks? Second of all, don't curse that name around here or the nuns will chase and kill you", I stated, snatching the bag from the trunk and examining the insides. I recognized some of my shirts and jeans, a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and comb.

"Thanks Joon", I flashed him a grin and strode away again.

"Wait- I need your advice for a second", he stopped me in my tracks, a look of uneasiness on his features.

"What about?", I tilted my head to the side, crossing my arms.


I groaned, throwing my head backwards, "Just date the guy, seriously Joon, he'd have no problems if you decided on sticking your dick in his ass. He's whipped to be honest. Was that everything?"

Namjoon's face turned a bright shade of red and I chuckled at it. He was so easily flustered. I took his silence as a confirmation and walked back to my dorm. Before I got a chance to crawl back inside a figure behind the trees grabbed my attention. I turned back around and tried to focus on the shadow moving further away from me. Okay who the fuck is sneaking around in these woods? Namjoon should have headed back right now. Maybe the nuns are having a secret party going on in the forest?

With that thought in mind I followed the figure. It turned out the person was very clumsy, tripping over roots and getting hit in the face by multiple branches. The shadow was definitely a boy, looking at his body shape and the very short hair. Not that girls can't have short hair, but it's boys camp so there's a 99% chance it's a boy.

Finally we came in a clearing where a small lake was situated. The person set himself down next to it, criss crossed and with paper in his hands. If it couldn't get any weirder, the boy started folding paper boats and placing them in the lake to float on.

"I know you're following me", the boy suddenly spoke up, scaring the hell out of me. So that's how Namjoon had felt when I had surprised him. I couldn't really come up with a witty reply to that so I just stepped closer until I was standing right next to him. From here I could finally recognize him as the very religious boy named Taehyung.

"Taehyung right?", I asked as I sat down next to him. He placed another paper boat in the lake and then turned himself to me with furrowed eyebrows, granting me a better look at his face.

"And how do you know my name stranger?", he asked, hands still folding another paper.

I watched him fold it, memorizing the steps in my head, "Lukas told me".

"Lukas Whitechapel?", he tilted his head, "Oh, you're the boy who was talking very loudly in church. I recognize you know".

He didn't realize that was me? How can you not immediately notice my goodlooking features?

"Yeah that was me", I finally replied, "So what exactly are you doing here?"

"Folding paper boats", he hummed softly, "If that wasn't obvious enough".

I inwardly groaned at his words, "I –obviously- noticed but why are you doing it?"

He shrugged, "Because I felt like it".

"You felt like it? You're really weird you know that?", grabbing a paper myself to fold.

"Not as weird as joining in with the weird guy", he glanced at my horrible folded paper boat, "And folding it all wrong. Have you not been paying attention to my technique? You've been staring long enough".

"I'm not exactly an expert at it, excuse me princess", I said dramatically, "And if you wanted to know, I'm very proud of my first ever paper boat. I'm going to name it Sope and this ship will surely never sink".

"I can't believe you", he sighed.

"Sope doesn't need your negativity", I turned my attention from him to the paper boat I had released onto the lake, "Go Sope! Keep afloat!".

"You're such an idiot", he rolled his eyes and watched his own boats float away, "And he will never have a chance against my army of boats".

"I don't need an army", I look him dead in the eye, "At least I name my ships, giving them a feeling of individuality. You only care about the quantity, I care about quality".

"Maybe you should give attention to your quantity because it's sinking", Taehyung smiled with amusement, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. I turned my gaze back to my boat to see the paper wet and sinking.

"No! Sope! Don't give up on me yet!"

"Sope hasn't even gotten to the middle of the lake where my army is and he's already giving up", Taehyung crossed his arms and made a 'tsk' noise.

"Next time we'll make paper airplanes. At least they can't sink", Taehyung got up and dusted the grass off his clothes, "See ya".

I was still mourning about the loss of my beloved boat that his words hadn't sunk in until he was completely gone.

Wait there's going to be a next time?

Shrugging I get up and head back to camp, lost in thought about what had just happened. When I was finally there I heard the closing of a window on my right and the moving of curtains. That's probably Taehyung's room...

I hadn't exactly expected Lukas to be awake when I climbed back in through the window but hey, life is full of surprises, just like tonight.

"What- why- what were you doing outside?", Lukas rubbed his sleepy eyes and narrowed them at me.

"Don't you dare glare at me like that", I pointed a finger at him, "And I went out for a smoke. What? Would you rather want me doing it in here?"

"Next time I'm joining you", was his only answer as he turned himself on his other side and fell asleep again.

Yeah that's not happening.

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