Chapter ten

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I tried my best to run as fast as possible into the forest while ignoring Taehyung's protests and kicks. Night had completely fallen so it was easier to find Namjoon in the dark, the bright headlights of his car shining through the trees. As soon as I reached the car I opened the door and threw Taehyung on the backseat, me sliding in after him. Taehyung lunged at the car door on his side but it had already locked when Namjoon had started the car. We sped through the forest, the car often hitting bumps on the dirt road.

"What are you doing!?", Taehyung yelled, crawling backwards until he was pressed against the door to be as far away from me as possible.

"Awe don't be scared of me", I mocked, satisfied he could finally meet my dark side.

I noticed Namjoon glancing in the rearview mirror, his expression going from a confused to a shocked one.

"Jungkook", he muttered out, concentrating back on the road, "Did you really kidnap some church boy?"

"He was being an annoying lil shit", I chuckled, "He asked to be taken".

Taehyung who was still stuck to the car door hissed at me, "I did not!"

I arched an eyebrow at him, "I recall hearing you say 'I want to know the truth' and nodding when I asked you if you wanted to know my secret. Well... Here you have it".

"You're unbelievable Jungkook", Namjoon sighed, "What do we do with him?"

"I'll think of something", I shrugged, leaning back against the car seat and closed my eyes. Taking Taehyung with me was quite an impulsive decision but I'm known to do such things every now and then.

It seemed Taehyung had run out of insults since he was silent for the rest of the ride. He was still frozen in the same position and I felt his wary eyes on me through the whole car ride but I didn't quite care. It was his own fault for acting like a noisy brat earlier.

We finally arrived at our base which was an old factory in the outskirts of Seoul. On the outside it looked like it had been deserted for a long time but on the inside it was crowded with gang members. Of course we had decorated it to make it seem like a real home. Criminals needed a real home too of course. They could feel loneliness from time to time.

As soon as the car doors got unlocked Taehyung made a run for it. I sighed, knowing he would do something so stupid and cliché like dashing out in the open, thinking he had a choice in being kidnapped or not. I stepped out of the vehicle and told Namjoon I would handle this. Since I'm a very fast runner and he's... not that athletic I easily caught up to him.

"Where does a young and pretty boy like you think you're going, running off in the dark cold night like this? You could get kidnapped, killed or raped. Or worse: forced to join a gang", I spoke calmly, tightening my grip on his arm and hearing him whimper.

I pushed him towards the factory and he started walking without any complaint. Namjoon was waiting for us at the entrance, eyeing the defeated look on Taehyung.

"I told Hoseok to prepare a room for him on the eight floor since it's close to yours", he informed me. I gave him a questioning look, wondering why he thought I wanted Taehyung nearby me.

"I'll take him there. Yoongi wants to see you", he then added, taking Taehyung's wrist and pulling him towards him.

"Alright", I shrugged, strolling over to the room where Yoongi usually spends his time.


Next part's seen from Namjoon's perspective:

I sighed annoyed, glancing at the scared looking boy next to me. He looked very young and innocent which meant he was probably still in his teenage years. What did Jungkook want with him?

"Come", I tugged at his wrist and dragged him to the elevator, him following willingly. The boy didn't say anything and only stared at the floor, seemingly scared to make a move.

"What's your name?", I asked, deciding on breaking the tense silence in the elevator.

He didn't reply which agitated me a bit.

"I was talking to you, you know", I tugged at his wrist and heard his breath hitch.

"I-I'm sorry", he quickly stuttered, "D-Don't hurt me".

"That's not your name", I answered, seeing him tense.

"Kim Taehyung", he blurted out, "Th-that's my n-name".

"Alright Kim Taehyung, stop acting so angsty cause it's getting on my nerves. I'm not planning on hurting you yet since I have no clue what Jeon wants with you".

"J-Jeon?", he asked confused. The elevator dinged and we stepped out, me leading him to his room. We passed Jungkook's room which was the only door that was painted all black. He did that when he was in his emo phase a few years back.

"Jeon Jungkook", I spoke out.

I glanced at Taehyung's confused face and chuckled. He has no idea who he's dealing with has he? I decided to voice out my thoughts.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with, have you?"

I opened the door to his room and pushed him inside, closing the door behind me. The room was completely empty except for a bed and a nightstand standing in the middle of the room. It did have a window but it was made with double glass so no bullets could go through it. He wouldn't be able to escape through there.

Taehyung froze as soon as he stepped on the carpeted floor. His back was turned to me but I could envision the gears working in his head.

"Jeon Jungkook", he said with great difficulty, "The police... they are searching for him".

Taehyung abruptly turned to face me, his face gone pale, "He's a gangmember!"

I laughed at that statement and he gave me a weird look.

"Funny you think he's just a member", I chuckled, "When he's actually the leader".


"Have a good night sleep Kim Taehyung", I grinned before closing the door and locking it.

I heard another shriek sounding 'WHAT!?" from the other side of the door which made my mood brighten for the rest of the night.

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