The Abused Twins(2)

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(A/N: the human art is mine and you can chose the girl, the guy, or both, please tell me when you ask)

Name: "My name is Tabbitha Murray Lycan, not that you really care."

Age: "I'm old enough to drive." (16)

Gender: *looks at her chest then back up* "You can't tell?"

Looks: "You don't need to pretend I'm invisible."

(Her human form)

(Her human form)

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(Her cat form)

Powers: "I'm a human, I have none

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Powers: "I'm a human, I have none." (Can turn into a blood red kitten, extreme agility, can see in the dark)

Backstory: "N-Nothing you need t-to worry about!" (Her mother died while giving birth to her and her brother, two years later their dad remarried to a hateful woman who hurt them, their dad went along with it and hurt them as well)

Hobbies: "... I sing, and I volunteer at the animal shelter."

Personality: "I'm very happy! Can't you tell?" *She gives a fake smile* (when other people are around pretends to be happy, kind, protective, friendly, and care free. When she's alone she's lonely, miserable, scared easily, paranoid when scared, and depressed.)

Likes: "I like sweets, the sunshine, watching fish, animals, nature, running through the forest, singing, and gardening. They say that makes me weak."

Dislikes: "I don't like pain, bullying, abuse, animal cruelty, large bodies of water, the cold, anything bitter," *She mumbles* "and my parents."

Species: "I'm a human! You can't prove I'm not!" (Neko)

Extra: "N-Nothing I can th-think of." (Her parents abuse her and her brother)

Theme song:

Lost Boy - Ruth B

Name: "The name's Tobias Marcus Lycan. Please call me Toby."

Age: "The same age as my twin sister idiot." (16)

Gender: "Well I have a d¡ck so take a guess." (Male)

Looks: "I'm right here baka. I mean dumby!"

(His human form)

(His human form)

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(His wolf form)

Powers: "Humans don't have powers moron

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Powers: "Humans don't have powers moron." (He can turn into a wolf, super speed, super strength, super hearing)

Backstory: "Y-You don't need to know!" (Same as his sister)

Hobbies: "... I like to cook and bake,and I volunteer at the orphanage."

Personality: "What do you think dumbąss!" (Stubborn, cocky, sarcastic, aggressive when his sister is threatened, and a bit of a Tsundere)

Likes: "I like my sister, cooking, baking, animals, wolves, and running through the forest." (And maybe you)

Dislikes: "I don't like idiots, people who ask me too many question, people who try to hurt my sister, and you." (And his parents)

Species: "I-I'm human baka!" (Werewolf)

Extra: "Nothing I can think of." (Same as his sister, he had a few friends in the past but they betrayed him)

Theme song:

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Set It Off

Scenario 1

There were two kids you've started to notice in school. They dressed the same and are always together. No one's ever seen their eyes or seen them without their hoodies. Some kids said they were brother and sister and started spreading rumors that they were monsters. That they were the children of demons and that if you looked into their eyes you'd turn to stone or see your worst nightmare. One day your friends dared you to look into their eyes.

What do you do?

Scenario 2

Make your own.

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