The Brothers(5)

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River pike- Hiro
Koi- Marinus
Goldfish- Dathan
Clownfish- Ray
Shark- Mako

River pike, shark- 18
Koi, goldfish- 17
Clownfish- 16

Gender: all are male

Looks: Ray, Dathan, and hiro wave at you and Mako rolls his eyes. Marinus chuckles. "Hey there."

Powers: they can all talk to water creatures (though it's easier to understand their fish half ex: Hiro can talk to river pike best), they can also manipulate water, the older they are the stronger their powers are and the more fish they can under...

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Powers: they can all talk to water creatures (though it's easier to understand their fish half ex: Hiro can talk to river pike best), they can also manipulate water, the older they are the stronger their powers are and the more fish they can understand, their fins also turn into legs when they're dry.

Hobbies: They like to take care of the injured fish and other sea creatures they find, and they like watching humans though some of them (*cough* Mako *cough*) won't admit it.

Hiro- very cocky, a smart a$$, loves to tease
Marinus- mischievous, playful, very fun loving and carefree
Dathan- very calm and collected, keeps cool under pressure.
Ray- innocent, curious, always ready for an adventure
Mako- strong, cold, commanding, a bit of a tsundere but protective of his brothers

Likes: find out

Dislikes: find out

Species: merman

Extra: their tails and fins on the sides of their heads and elbows are sensitive and delicate and they have a pet sea bunny named Fluffy.

Extra: their tails and fins on the sides of their heads and elbows are sensitive and delicate and they have a pet sea bunny named Fluffy

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(These are so cute! Sammy can I get one?!)

Theme song:


Scenario 1
You visited the ocean everyday, just walking along the beach enjoying the smell of the sea and the sound of the waves. On day there was a big storm and after it was over you went out to see if any creatures were washed onto the shore. While walking along you found a man but... He had a clownfish tail. He seemed to be unconscious.

What do you do?

Scenario 2
You were check the fish traps on the bottom of the ocean. You pulled one up and found a sea bunny, they were very rare and were worth a lot of money. You didn't trust the other men on your boat.

What do you do?

Scenario 3
Make your own

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