Your Puppet(M)

81 1 46

Name: (you name him)

Age: he looks as old as you are

Gender: male

Looks: "You're ruining the trick, I can see your lips moving."

Powers: he's secretly alive and is very quiet when moving

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Powers: he's secretly alive and is very quiet when moving

Personality: when you are in control of him he's very chipper and nice to everyone, but when he's in control he's evil and insane

Likes: he likes you very much, keeping you safe, when people pay attention to him, and winning

Dislikes: he hates losing, when he has to punish you for getting in the way, other people getting close to you, and you being scared of him

Species: ventriloquist puppet

Extra: he's your puppet


Scenario 1
You had started working at an antique store. While you were cleaning out the attic of the store you found an old puppet, it was lifesive but wasn't very heavy so you brought it downstairs and asked if you could take it home. The shop owner agreed and you took it home and named it. You soon entered in a talent show and were accepted. You practiced a lot with your puppet but one day something strange started happening. Your competitors were dropping out due to injury or fear. And soon there were only a few people left, including you. You were worried whatever was happening to the others would happen to you so you dropped out but the next day you found your name back on the register.
What do you do?

Scenario 2
Make your own

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