Name: he's called the Indoraptor but you can name him something else
Age: he's only 5 years old but he looks 19
Gender: male
Looks: the creature stares at you intently
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Powers: he can turn into a human and he has all the abilities of a raptor as well as a few extra abilities you'll learn along the way
Personality: he's a cold blooded killer and a little possessive
Likes: he loves killing
Dislikes: most of his creators
Species: Indoraptor
Extra: none
Scenario 1 You were a scientist, working on a project for the military. Many parks had started hiering scientists to make dinosaurs as attractions, but this was the first time one was being made as a weapon. You had worked for countless month but it was finally ready and you finally got to see it in action. You went to the room where they were training it and saw it. They were training it with real people which you hadn't agreed to, but the way it killed was so elegant, so graceful. It was perfectly designed for the kill. It had just finished and looked at the glass that separated it from the other scientists, and it seemed to be staring right at you. What do you do?
Scenario 2 You and your friends made videos for a living, mainly videos of you all exploring abandoned places. You're friends tended to talk you into doing a lot of bad stuff, mainly going to places you really shouldn't. Your friends had arranged a tip to an abandoned island, one that had a park and facility for cloning and breeding dinosaurs. You arrived at the island and started filming. The park was destroyed and you could see a small group of dinosaurs called compsognathus, or compies, running around. (These things)
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