The Victim(F)

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Name: Madaline

Age: 19

Gender: female

Looks: "Please... please help me."

Powers: she has none

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Powers: she has none

Hobbies: she doesn't really have any

Personality: she used to be happy, friendly, and carefree, until she was kidnapped. Now she's distant and shy.

Likes: she doesn't really have any

Dislikes: she only has one, the man who kidnapped her

Species: human

Extra: she has three kids that she didn't have before she was kidnapped. (You can see where I'm going with this)

(Girl: Maddy/Boy: Max)
(They are both three years old they're both human. They love their mother and will do anything to make her smile again)

 They love their mother and will do anything to make her smile again)

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(He's only a few weeks old and obviously a werewolf. He's a very happy baby, all laughter and smiles. He doesn't really understand what's going on.)

Theme song:

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Theme song:


Scenario 1
You were a cop, and you were on a missing persons case. She had been missing for a few years and most of the other cops gave up but you didn't, you had promised to find this girl and that's what you were gonna do. One day you got a lead and found the man who kidnapped her. You arrested him but before you left, you heard the sound of children crying softly.

What do you do?

Scenario 2
Make your own

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