The 'Close' Friends(2)

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Name: (top to bottom) Daniel Alvarez, Trevor O'neal

Age: Both are 18

Gender: Both are male

Looks: "Well hello there," "Who might you be cutie?"

Looks: "Well hello there," "Who might you be cutie?"

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Powers: they have none

Hobbies: They both like roller skating.

Personality: Daniel is sweet, loving, and protective. Trevor is very flirtatious and seductive.

Likes: they both love each other, sweets, animals, and kids.

Dislikes: Water, needles, and sharp things. Fire, dogs, and bullies. They both can't stand homophobes.

Species: human

Extra: Daniel can't swim. they are actually a couple but people refuse to believe they're gay and think they're just close friends.

Theme song:

I Love You

Scenario 1
There were two guys in the school that were always hanging out together and everyone said they were just friends but you always thought other wise. One day there was a swim meet for the guys swim team and everyone came, mostly to see shirtless guys. Everything was great until Daniel was pushed into the water. Someone started screaming that he couldn't swim and Trevor dives into the water. He pulls him out and lays him on the ground. He looks around at the people in the crowd. "Does anyone know CPR!?" Most of the girls raise their hands and he sighs. "Now raise your hand if you actually know CPR and aren't just looking for a kiss." Everyone slowly lowers their hands.

What do you do?

Scenario 2
Make your own

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