The Lion And The Wolf(2)

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(You can do Zander, Fang or both, please tell me when you ask)

Name: "The name's Zander, not that you'll live long enough to tell anyone."

Age: "I'm 16, why does it matter?"

Gender: "I'm a dude."

Looks: "I know, I'm hot."

(His human form)

(His human form)

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(His lion form)

Powers: "I can turn into a lion, my senses are heightened, I can see in the dark, and I can understand animals

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Powers: "I can turn into a lion, my senses are heightened, I can see in the dark, and I can understand animals. Pretty cool huh?"

Backstory: "That's a touchy subject for both of us." (His parents abandoned him when he was five, he wandered on his own for a month before he met seven year old Fang. Fang took him under his wing instantly and tought him how to kill and survive on his own)

Hobbies: "Does killing count as a hobbie?"

Personality: "I'm sweet and innocent." He smiles. (Don't let his looks fool you,he may look innocent and cute but he can be dangerous, sly, and sadistic)

Likes: "I like nature, kids, running through the forest, and killing adults."

Dislikes: "I hate adults, large cities, abandonment, and being separated from Fang."

Species: "I'm a lion neko, duh."

Extra: "That's it."

Theme song: (Same as Fang)

Name: "I would tell you but then I'd have to kill you." (Fang)

Age: "Why do you need to know?" (He's 18)

Gender: "Oh you're blind? Well that makes the game so much easier." (Male)

Looks: "A fitting last sight, now hold still while I rip your eyes out."

(His human form)

(His human form)

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(His wolf form)

Powers: "You'll see soon enough

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Powers: "You'll see soon enough." (He can turn into a wolf, his senses are heightened, and he can understand animals)

Backstory: "..." He looks away from you. "You don't wanna know." (When he was young he was bullied and abused for being diferent, he eventually snapped and went on a killing spree, murdering anyone who had hurt him starting with his parents. He ran away soon after and found five year old Zander. He felt a conection with him and took him in as his younger brother, raising him to be a killer like him)

Hobbies: "Murder." (... Wat? 😐) "You have your hobbies, and I have mine."

Personality: "..." He looks at you with an 'are you an idiot' look on his face. (He's openly aggressive and sadistic, he's a killer through and through)

Likes: "I like the taste of blood, the sound of screams, the feeling of my claws tearing through someones flesh, and watching the light leave my victims eyes."

Dislikes:"When someone inturupts my kill, when my prey doesn't struggle, humans, Zanders parents, and not eating in a few days."

Species: "Werewolf, isn't it obvious?"

Extra: "Nothing." (He sometimes keeps his prey, like a pet)

Theme song:

The Lion And The Wolf

Scenario 1
You were taking a walk through the woods with your 'friend'. He always used you and gave you bad advice but you stayed friends with him because he was the only friend you had. While walking you hear a twig snap and suddenly a white wolf and a lion start circling you.

What do you do?

Scenario 2
Make your own

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