The Twin Rulers(2)

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Name: (black hair)Matthew, (white hair)Michael

Age: both 18

Gender: both male

Looks: "You should know what we look like." "You do live in the palace after all."

Powers: They both have control over their side of the kingdom

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Powers: They both have control over their side of the kingdom.

Hobbies: bossing you around

Personality: Matthew is very stubborn and bossy, he cares little about thoes who work in the castle or even his brother but he has a secret side
Michael is very kind to his people and the people who work in the castle, though he has a rivalry with his brother.

Likes: getting his way, bossing you around, when you're a little stubborn, teasing you, playing tricks on you, and secretly you (shocker, I know)
Sweets, cute things, helping his people, gardening, and you

Dislikes: when other people try to hurt you or boss you around, when you're sad, disobedient servants, his brother, not getting what he wants
When you aren't safe, his brother, seeing you sad or hurt, not being able to help

Species: both human

Extra: the two brothers are competing with each other to see who will take full control of the kingdom. The first one to marry wins.

Scenario 1
You had been working in the castle of the Royals for only a few months. You had become friends with Michael though it seemed Matthew was still cold to you. Michael had called you to his room and while you were walking to his room Matthew grabbed your arm and pulled you into his room and pinned you to the wall.
What do you Do?

Scenario 2
Make your own

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