The Error(M)

81 0 46

Name: Error

Age: no clue, appears to be 18

Gender: male

Looks: His voice glitches out as he speaks. "H-h-have you ever wond-dered what it w-w-w-would be like-like to get ri-rid of all th-th-the glitches in the world?"

 "H-h-have you ever wond-dered what it w-w-w-would be like-like to get ri-rid of all th-th-the glitches in the world?"

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Powers: he can create blue strings that, when he ties people up with them, he can control their actions

Personality: he's always clarified people in three categories, the first is vaccine, their the people who try to do all the good they can to fix the world, towards these people he's kind and friendly, and might even worship these people depending on how close he is to those people. The second class is data, these people are the ones who don't really make a difference and just live their lives, to these people he is rather in different. The last is virus, these are the people who cause pain and suffering for others, towards these people he's sadistic and dark, their the glitches he feels the need to erase.

Likes: he likes children, vaccines, killing viruses, and you

Dislikes: seeing pain caused to children and good people, viruses, talking about what happened to his original world and not getting to talk to you

Species: Error

Extra: when you start this to you need to tell me if you're data, virus, or vaccine


Scenario 1
You had been talking to someone you met online for a long time. You'd never seen their face the they were a really good friend to you. One day they asked you what you thought of the Multiverse theory.
What do you do?

Scenario 2
Make your own.

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