Name: "The scientists call me Project Nightmare, so I guess that's my name." (Feel free to name her)
Age: "I was created two years ago." (She has the looks and mentality of an 18 year old)
Gender: "They say I'm a girl."
Looks: "Is there something wrong with how I look?"
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Powers: "I don't know." (She can melt into the shadows, create things out of shadows, show someone their greatest fear, she can go into someone's head while they're sleeping and create nightmare so bad they die of fright, and her kiss can cause illusions)
Backstory: "I don't remember." (She's lived in the lab for her whole life and has been asleep the whole time, but she has heard a few things)
Hobbies: "I don't have any." (She will if she gets out)
Personality: She looks away shyly. (She developed a very shy, innocent personality, she's can be loyal, kind and trustworthy, but is not very trusting towards anything that looks remotely human)
Likes: She shrugs. (Maybe you)
Dislikes: She looks around distracted. (Being submerged in water, the scientists, grey colors, the cold, and needles)
Species: "They call me a genetically engineered Nightmare Demon."
Extra: She shakes her head. (She wasn't naturally born, she was given a growth serum that made her grow faster than a normal human, she stoped growing about two months ago, she will sometimes act like a child, the scientists created her to be a weapon of war and she can't control her powers yet, so they might flare up every now and then)
Theme song:
Miss Jackson ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Scenario 1 You were a scientist working on project Nightmare. After about a year of working on her you finally got to see her and were assigned to taking care if her and giving her the serums. One day they told you to give her a serum that would make her cold, emotionless, and obedient. You couldn't do it and instead created a serum that made her shy and innocent. You watched her grow and grew attached to her. Everyday you hoped and wished she wouldn't wake up, knowing that if she did she'd be turned into a weapon, but one day while the other scientists were out and you were checking on her her bright violet eyes snapped open. She began to bang on the glass violently with a panicked look on her face.