Looks: The little boy giggles. "Have you come to watch me fly!?"
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Powers: Theo can fly but his brother can't yet, he can also see the good in someone's heart.
Hobbies: he loves to pass time by flying around and teaching his brother how to fly, he also does a lot of volunteer work.
Personality: Theo is a very kind, caring, gentle soul. He wouldn't hurt a fly, unless it was hurting his brother.
Likes: he likes his brother, kind people, flying, doing volunteer work, and protecting kind souls.
Dislikes: people who try to hurt his brother, aragant people, rude people, demons, and when demons corrupt people.
Species: angel
Extra: the little one is his brother, his name is Adriel
Theme song:
Angel With A Shotgun ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Scenario 1 You were walking through town when you saw to blurrs in the sky, one white, one black. The black one hits the white one and it crashes in the middle of town. Everyone gathers to see what it is and find out it's an angel. He was hurt and unconscious and people were starting to freak out.