Name: she was named Stardust by the ones who found her but her real name is Sola.
Age: she is one-tenth of a Neptune year (that is 16.5 earth years)
Gender: voe (female)
Looks: "Do I look unusual?"
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Powers: she can breath under water and control it as well as crystal
Hobbies: she doesn't have any yet
Personality: she is quiet, shy, and distant when you first meet her. After you get to know her tough she can be silly and childish, though she apologizes for it afterword. You'll learn why later
Likes: water, crystals, little colorful fish, night, being under ground, her pod, and her home.
Dislikes: most humans, letting her childish side show, being too far away from water, being above ground for too long, and not getting to play wit crystals.
Species: Vielmapsue (a type of humanoid alien that lives on neptune)
Extra: she has never experienced winter ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Scenario 1 (You find her) You were up late one night looking at the stars when you saw a shooting star streaking a cross the sky. This one was bright blue with a long tail. You hadn't made many friends so you made a wish to finaly make a real friend. You looked back up at the star and realized it was getting bigger and closer. It crashed in you back yard and noticed it looked to be like an alien pod like from Tv.
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What do you do?
Scenario 2 You had heard about a couple that lived on your street who had something strange and unusual that they would let people see for a small fee. You eventually let curiosity get the better of you and decided to see what it was. You got to their house and saw a line. What do you do?