Chapter 016: Celestine

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Guys, relaunching my "Royal Road Legends" ( account since a week ago after receiving some help from the beautiful phoenix, Wing-Sama, of the Royal Road Legends website, whew, was a big step up for me.

I will be posting chapters there as well as here so if you can, please inform your friends over so that they also enjoy our story and be up to date with the current progress of Siva's quest.... by the way for those who are still unaware, the Royal Road Legend website is the original home of the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor LN Series that is one of the best Korean stories you'd ever read in your life. You will enjoy the read as much as millions of us did so I encourage you to start reading it now. It has 49 translated chapters as of late so you can enjoy a long read with it.

Alright, for latest updates and news regarding my releases, please follow me on Facebook, and/or on twitter; and finally at my blog as well where I will be posting exclusive chapters for some of my stories in the future, including the Mortal King.

Please leave me a VOTE so that we can push for our story to be #1 in the genre list in this Volume.

We're currently #18 as of this post's writing.

Enjoy the read and please, again, do not forget to leave me that small little VOTE.


Volume 6
Chapter 016: Celestine

It is a really radical idea... a notion worthy of utter disdain and ridicule.

The game world of Terroa is just a lump of binary codes arranged in an array that tricks the mind to believing something artificial is definitely real.

And yet, as laughable and as ridiculous this notion was to everyone else, even to himself, Siva still felt that there was something more to this world of Terroa than what the real world knows.

Also, for some reason, there was a voice telling him in his mind that... Earth is not the only world out there, there was also Terroa.

This kind of bugging thought had been plaguing him ever since he was forcefully woken up from his trance-like state of meditation.

It was as if there was a second 'self' in his mind that kept on suggesting to 'believing' that Terroa was a real world as well.

Such notion was indeed worth ridicule.


For someone who had no access to the real world people who could give him the answers to the questions that confuses him, particularly Pegasus, he had no choice but to hear an answer to a side that concerns one part of the matters that confuse him... the Terrans of Planet Terroa.

"I've called you here to ask you a few things."

As far as he knows, in his memories, of the NPC people he could access right now that fits that description... Akhenaton was one of them while Immortal Emperor Gabriel Etrama De Raizel was the other being.

Of the two, he trusts that Akhenaton could at least give him answers that he could believe to a certain degree.

"If it is within this lowly one's knowledge, I shall answer with all that I know."

Not lifting his head, Akhenaton told him.

Siva was satisfied and motioned for the two of them to be teleported. When they appeared next, they were in the former throne room of the castle fortress Apus Epirus that is now the place where a stage with five steps was located.

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