Chapter 070: Parties Coming for the Treasure

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Chapter 070: Parties Coming for the Treasure

Hit and Bathe —it was the technique employed by the bathers that swarmed around the dragon.

Gamers and NPCs of all Ranks payed money to buy T-Devices from item shops; while those who don't have enough money grouped together to rent warships and rush in towards Alexandria from all over the Northern Continent.

A mass exodus of players and NPCs occurred.

Many didn't dare wish they'd get in time before the dragon died and bath in its blood. They were still rushing in because they wanted to get a piece of the dragon after its death.

For some reason, the dragon is bleeding from within and this was a sign that it was dying.

A dragon this big is the first time they are seeing it... and on the contrary, this was also going to be the last time they will be able to see this dragon alive before it is taken away by some power that might claim on it on its entirety.

And they are correct.

Gamer Guilds are now beginning to move towards this prize while NPC Organizations also started to move en masse towards Alexandria.

In fact, in the Walled City of Paneme, one of the oversized Walled Cities in The North —actually in the far northeastern region of Tiara... the Knight Order of the Red Dragon Flag, a Player Guild that controls an entire city quadrant, is mobilizing 80% of its full force for the siege and ownership of the dragon's carcass.

From all around the planet, even, such activities are in full display.

Fleets and warships flooded their city skies as the guilds that put interest in the Dragon's incoming carcass had driven them all to assemble their own forces for its possession.

Usually, such activities were not permitted by the City Lord but the chaos and allure of the dragon's carcass with all its issuing ripples have now come into an uncontrollable degree.

Of course, said city's City Lord, Billion himself, is not stupid enough to miss this opportunity and so he asked help from The Union... by which the HQ replied that aside from the Miranda Fleet, which is bound to them as a subordinate by the agreement of a contract, will be sending another fleet to act and serve as the 'owning' party for the creature.

And of course, the incoming fleet from The Union will be much bigger than the Miranda Fleet since the contract with the Miranda does not include the ownership of items looted from their contracts.

If the Miranda so decides (and if successful) that she owns the carcass, then that's already not part of the contract that The Union had agreed upon with them so they will have to get the carcass by legal means..... if it ever happens.

So now, while the dragon is still alive, they will have to hurry over Alexandria because they were positive that they aren't the only ones who had thought of such an event.

And yet, the first time arrive was The Hydra Society's fleets.



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