Chapter 068: Last Minute Changes

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Chapter 068: Last Minute Changes


It was a wave of healing Mana.

Again, the wounds he created healed but the pain still gave the dragon more agonizing reasons to cry and howl because it could feel Siva's path with its own body.

How morbidly harrowing the experience was; to know and feel it with your flesh, a parasite that you can crush with a simple gesture, yet now, it is the very same thing that the dragon was howling in great pain from.

The damage it could deal was little in all respect, but there was nothing it could do for this little thing is a monstrous parasite with tangibly visible destructive capabilities.

After 30 seconds, another series of explosion can be heard on its (mental) ear and the explosions all happened inside its body, making the dragon further kneel on the ground and vomit blood from the experience.

Yet again, the dragon howled in pain.

By now, all external wounds have already healed, but all of that was irrelevant. Its current agony was greater than a thousand times before.

If it was smart enough, if it could only wish to, it would rather choose to commit suicide here and now to escape from this excruciating punishment.


This is this dragon's hell. It was like a mouse stuck in between a large boulder up front and a hacking bolo aimed at its neck coming from behind.

Fear wasn't in this summoned creature's glossary but right now, it wished that it knew how to feel it.

He could only follow its basic instincts to trample and use all of its available abilities, and size, to kill the "target" spoken to by the [will] that crated it.


The dragon cried towards the sky.



With a final thrust, Siva pierced through the wall of flesh that made its lungs and other parts of its body, and came into a different textured lump of fleshly parts... with a very thin layer of sack... that protected a beating 40m-large organ.

Every beat of its blood echoed like thunder on his ears and it was beating so fast, Siva could feel the rhythm on his skin crawling like an insect.

Mana swirled around the organ and the gooey sac itself was the materialization of its Draconic Mana.

"What every Wizard in the world would pay for just to obtain this thing..."

«Dragon Heart»

An item of magical wonder!

If preserved the right way, it can be used to make a few of the strongest magical weapons in the entire Terran History.

If used alive, which is impossible, and was only from imaginary legends, it can pump infinite Mana for the user.

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