Chapter 139: Kageyoshi

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Chapter 139: Kageyoshi

yes, this is the feeling I missed.

Siva felt himself going back to those times; a time where he roamed the universe free and unhindered, spreading the path to immortality and increasing their chances of survival against the wiles and corruptions of the devils.

He wasn't in his prime. In fact, he wasn't even 1% close to the power he had on his prime at this very moment.

Not only does he lack his beloved weapon that he was sure to have either been already destroyed or hiding at some corner of the universe somewhere, he wasn't even an Immortal which is the most basic prerequisite when facing against the full force of the Demon Armada.

This here, right now, is just the tip of the tip of the ice beg that is the Demon Armada.

It wasn't even close to the number of the scouting legion where Mefisto surprisingly emerged for an unknown reason, 56 years ago. When the Demon Armada invaded and almost sent the Terrans to the brink of extinction back then, just an entire regiment of Supreme Warships were enough to actually cover every corner of the skies of Terroa.

Back then was the time of Darkness for Terroa and yet, when all seemed to have been lost and the light of hope was eaten away by the darkness, one Devil General succumbed to her own sets of temptations and committed the gravest mistake she could have ever done.

It was Sefirah who unleashed the darkness in him that he tried to control, and that led to the defeat of that great army.

Mefisto and all the Devil Generals 'died' and [Siva] was sealed by Terra.

The flow of events continued on.

"Haaaaahhhhh...." Siva exhaled in the middle of all these thoughts.

Now, Siva was back, as well as his enemies.

Siva became a weak Terran, and the struggle was once again happening in Terroa, with a few new twists, and the real world at their doorstep, waiting for a chance to get a piece of the diamond hidden beneath the surface of Terroa.

He is weak, but that also applied to his enemies, although just for the meantime.

But he knew that the Devils Gods, despite being capable of change, are the rulers of pleasure, the lords and givers of desires.

Change is the last word they'll remember if they can't win against him in this personal war.

"This is the feeling..."

Siva could feel the nostalgia coursing through his avatar's blood vessels.

"The smell of the impending violence..."

He had a chance to start over again, tread a path different from the one that he walked on in that far distant past.

"...the sound of clashing metals, magic cast, and wailing cries of pain and agony....."

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