Chapter 151: Escalating the Scales

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Chapter 151: Escalating the Scales

With a kick simple kick, the spear head stabbed at Baal but the shield's upper right tip made it in time to block the tip and the attack was deflected, the reddish-maroon coloured spear twirling in midair.

Siva followed with a swing of his axe, his body bid an almost impossible twist in midair as his legs were facing the ceiling. It was a clockwise strike.


The sword met the axe and another loud noise of their blades clashing with heavy force erupted with a deafening explosion.

Even the blue smoke domain parted from just the remnant kinetic energy generated.

Each of their blows carried their weights and their full momentum, not a speck of mercy pulled out in the entirety of their strikes.

With Siva breaking Baal's stance he let go of the axe and used his legs as weights, twisting yet again in midair to catch the spear at the tip end that he then swung towards the devil's head.


A loud roar and Baal fully raised his left hands with the shield and blocked the strike, then offhandedly sweep his sword upward to cut Siva in half —only to be blocked by Siva who used his feet to step on the handle of his axe in midair.

Siva flashily flipped in the air while Baal retreated at a good distance, 10m away to catch his breath and spat a spit of blood.

His injury was affecting him.

{You bastard! BASTARD!!! You've disrupted all our plans before and you're becoming a hindrance this time as well...}

Their eyes fixed on each other. They didn't mind that the entire place had also started to melt and collapse as the overload of the ship's core from the great surplus of processes because of the damage in the Life Support Facility came closer and closer.

"Heh... are those your last words?"

{The first born had been reborn! Even if I fall here, at best, I'd only lose a host body and take more time to find another compatible body to nourish to recover my strength... but the First Born, he's not the same person as before... in the end, even if you get your strength back, by that time, this planet would have fallen in our hands and the crystals are assembled in our beck and summon!}

Siva frowned. This was something even Janus had no idea of. It is true. As far as he can remember everything regarding Mefisto, he didn't have that ability to 'devour' and assimilate anyone that he had eaten. Even Janus had to change some parts of his plans in order to deal with him and in the end made him decide to do that inevitable sacrifice.

But in the end, Siva knew that he had to just be as strong as he can and prepare for anything that will come up in the future, face it the same way he had faced all obstacles in the past... head on.

The stronger he is when he faced them in a clash, the better his chances of success and survival.

"So what!" Siva hissed coldly. "The same or not, it will not change the fact that I will kill you here for the second time."

He didn't say another word and didn't let Baal say a word of reply either. He took a heavy step forward and brandished a diagonal slash that came from his upper right flank.

Baal roared and blocked it with his shield and their waltz began once again.


{Shet... Shet..!! SHET!!!}

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