Chapter 085: The Brazen Old Fox

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Chapter 085: The Brazen Old Fox

Just like with the normal Mansions' impressions, the Grand Enchantment Temple is literally just a grand mansion from some rich family movie.

In fact, this is basically just a Manor.

The entire building was above a hill as everything around that hill is the manor's garden courtyard as the walls that surrounded the 5km space of the Grand Temple were all made of some kind of rock metal... very cold, very durable, and very heavy.

"Boss, you might not believe it, but that's a replica of the Crain Manor. It was said that during the mid1880's, he killed his own wife and children and used their blood to burn an everlasting fire in the fireplace located in the main hall."[1]

"Now that's a story. But scientifically speaking, it's impossible to use blood as gasoline to create fire isn't it?"

"Not really. Present in human blood, once distilled and going to a specific process, is a type of oil that is as strong and as 'everlasting' as whale oil."

"H-H-Hey now..."

Siva stopped the inquiry in his mind right there.

Basically speaking, aside from NOT looking creepy in any manner, the Grand Temple of the Enchantment Temple looked modernly regal to the eyes than it is in the imagination.

The bricks were grey and solid, the garden plants and grass lush with colors, there was not a hint of ghastly presence and in fact, as seen from the busy High Magistrate-robed people here, it was a fact that only people with special privileges can be granted access in this place of magic.

—at least, that's how Siva felt when they entered the double iron doors of the Manor.

"The landscaping of this place is really good. It creates an illusion that the place is big despite the fact that it's only a 5km-wide circle in the middle of the city."

"Is it?"

When Siva voiced his thoughts, High Mage Halma felt like he was just complimented. He didn't know who this person was but the sheer fact that the Archmage seemed to be his lover is proof alone that his status wasn't simple.

Not only that, in terms of presence alone, he is miles and kilometers more powerful than the esteemed Archmage.

Even he himself could feel that if Siva chose to, he could crush Halma with just flick of his arm.

Also, it was a fact that the envelope that bore the Grand Elder Mage's insignia and Mana Signature came from him. Those are enough cues for him to treat Siva with respect akin to how he treated his Archmage companion.

Besides that...

Siva also had two monstrously strong and scary bodyguards. Although he was a strong and a very scary individual, if Pistareen summoned him, then he could only be a guest.

"This way." Halma led the group into the Manor.

When they entered, they saw the upholstery and interior design that represented wealth and years of prosperity. Gold and platinum lined every tool while the woven silks of the cloths were imbued with Mana that gave it an ethereal aesthetic sense to the eyes.

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