Chapter 095: Chase

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Chapter 095: Chase

"Warn your kind, Malory, tell them to either meet me or wait for my hand to reach their base. If I as much as smell the slightest scent of their betrayal and fractioning away from the code of law of the Enchantment Temple, I'll make sure that they will wish they are dead. Are we clear?"

When Siva left this instruction, he made sure that Malory was listening and watching attentively as he 'confiscated' the items that never existed in any place anywhere.

Yes, he was acting in the boundaries of the laws of The Temple, but he was also acting upon the fact that he had 'free reign' on how to protect the interest of The Temple.

He dialed a call to Pistareen directly, "Although it is a bit early in the morning, aside from surprising, I have a gift for you."

Siva activated the Real@D features of his call and showed Pistareen the lump of items he had taken from Malory.

"This guy was going to meet with Draco today and is going to use these resources to help Draco pay me up with his debt. Where do you want these resources delivered today?"

This straight to the point report frightened Malory down to his ancestors' bones. There wasn't even the slightest bit of 'sir' and 'lord' between the two of them. Meaning, they have equal footing and this "Magic Knight" is allowed to act on behalf of Pistareen's full authority.

Pistareen was surprised but then he laughed. He glared angrily at Malory and then asked Siva, "I can't believe you'd act this fast."

"Just doing my job." Siva hinted to him. They've already agreed. Siva was 'hired' as a Magic Knight so of course, with every successful application of his 'job', he would always get a reward. The two were using the 'bounty system' in their covenant.

"Let Little Red handle that matter. Just do your best and be careful of their plans... these guys have fallen so low that they will protect their own personal interests more than their dignity."

"Well, I'm still waiting for those items I asked you."

"They are currently being arranged and the days I've given you is my most conservative estimates."

"I trust you."

"Later then."

The call ended and Malory was stuttering what to say. The reason why Pistareen has never lay his hands on the personal businesses of the High Elders is because he was very busy regarding the matters of the Enchantment Temple as a whole.

But now that he had a detachable iron hand doing the sweeping for him, Malory felt that the terror of Pistareen's seat is now becoming visible to him.

They have severely underestimated this amiable and always smiling old man.

Siva turned around to him and hissed, "Well, what are you still standing there doing nothing for? Get your ass to do what you're told!"

"Yes sir." (T^T)


"What?! Inquisition? Since when did you get that kind of department in your ranks?"

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