Chapter 004: BBB

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Chapter 004: BBB

It was a surprise that Warship Akhenaton has a self-healing function. What guild and company would pay for such an ability or technology to be applied on their own warships?

Although it was kind of slow considering the level and amount of its injuries, it was still better than relying on the efforts of manual labors to fix a warship, let alone a warship of Akhenaton's size.

After seeing Akhenaton got connected back to the crown, Siva, who depended on Scion's shoulder to support himself, spoke another command:

"Pick up that Black Ball for me please."



Another Black Ball?!


As the people who heard it became astounded once again by this, they all saw Akhenaton walk towards a direction —with the castle base Apus Epirus floating behind it like an ornament, and reached the area where the large sword of the former Colossal Golem had lost its right arm.

Following this, the Castle Base rumbled as Akhenaton walked towards the decimated forest outside of Alexandria, to hover above the large metallic heavy sword embedded flat on the shattered ground.

The signs of battle were still apparent in this place and one could only guess as to how Akhenaton's left arm was twisted in that ugly manner.

Such a large sword was awe-inspiring.

Its size alone was comparable to that of the Colossi, and almost as large as Akhenaton.

"Let's retrieve that item." Siva said.

This line confused the people but they just remained silent.

Pointing a finger, one of the nine islands that had received the bombardment of the Rewloola earlier detached its platform and used it to latch on the area close to the fallen large sword.

With a resounding boom, the 1square km-sized landmass behind Akhenaton fell towards the forest while another landmass was summoned back towards Akhenaton's direction, leaving a large black hole in the area below its feet.

As the landmass approached, the landmass made a stop right in front of Akhenaton.

"Let's go."


Scion obediently followed Sivas instructions. She wasn't proficient in flying but she was taught by FlowerLord and had her own set of Flight Wings.

She still carried Siva towards that landmass that stopped in front of the still and unmoving Akhenaton but they didn't land and just hovered there above the island, in front of Akhenaton's chest.

Looking down, even Scion marveled at the view of this said item.

"Such a large weapon..." she gasped.

A large sword was embedded flatly on the ground and it dented the floating island, serving like an altar just to showcase it.


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