Chapter 056: End of Practice

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Volume 6
Chapter 056: End of Practice

"Even though your words are not nice, I could see your honest gratified thoughts so as a response, I say... you're welcome, sir."

"Honestly, you couldn't have come at the more perfect time... I wonder if dad really knew when I needed you so he sent you to me."

Cortana, on his vision, looked up to the grey skies of Terroa and then said, "According to you, The Warden that is my master is up there, protecting us from the real enemy... and boss, you might not be aware of it because you have many things that you have to worry about and think over, but I have analyzed all the available data regarding this world and made a small reference to the similarities of the available technological information in the real world. The result... there is a 98% similarity in both worlds' technologies and foundations."

"Foundations? And it's 98% you say..."

"Yes boss."

"What foundation and what about that other 2%?"

"Foundations, sir, meaning, the history of the game's Human Race, or what the Terrans called the Naturals. The two worlds' mankind had 98% similarities on both foundations and how their own technologies developed. It's like seeing another copy of Earth but only something that was inside a game world."

Siva got intrigued, "And at do you mean by their technologies only the same by 98%?"

"Well, that's because this world's humans are more advanced in terms of everything, sir. From their way of life to their demeanor, and up to their technologies.... Ah! Sir... I think I've set off some memory trigger on your neural activity when I mentioned something about it."

When Cortana made a surprised exclamation, that was when Siva felt a strand of memory jolt him on his feet and momentarily forgot about this small little test on the battle capabilities of the Black Master Armament.

He held his face with his left hand and so it made Cortana state the facts of what just happened at that small instance of a moment.

Cortana did indeed just triggered a small memory strand on his mind. Normally, she shouldn't even feel 'surprised' by it since she could scan his mind all the time, but she was surprised on the fact that not until she mentioned a trigger word that she'd been able to scan an unknown strand of memory that seemed to have come up out of nowhere in Siva's mind.

If one thing, given her primary function and ability, it really frightened her to some extent.

To think that there was something inside Rex/Siva that she wasn't able to scan despite physically and even literally being welded into his brain like this.

Such was a blasphemy to her existence!

"Save mom and dad..."

"Genetics? Should I add this to our missions list?"

"Yes. Set it to third, no, place it on the secondary critical primary list... and invent some level or just whatever kind of priority tag to it so I don't forget them... I fear that I might be able to... someday..."


"Phew... every time there is an unknown strand of memory that comes up in my head, it always makes me somewhat dizzy to the point of having a grand headache."

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