Chapter 035: Peekaboo!!

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Volume 6
Chapter 035: Peekaboo!!

"Tell me, what did he tell you?"

Siva faced her and he did not dare to remove his mask for fear that she would be disgusted.

Scion, a beauty that could make people go crazy for possession, a beauty that gives off the sense of fragileness and holiness, so pure and untainted by the mundane that she provokes the very purest of desires amongst men and men-at-hearts to aggressively grab her and taint her themselves; this beauty that could destroy any country with a request, this beauty with a pinkish red lips and eyes that spoke of her purest of care and love towards Siva, was biting her trembling lips and is trying to stop herself from crying, as she couldn't put the right words to tell him about what she had heard and what she had seen from Janus.

What she could do was to hold his hand and kiss him. In her eyes, the black smoke skin curse that plagues his being does not exist and only that battered image of a Rex Kingsley crying in front of that glass window outside Baron's hospital room is the one she was seeing right now.

She couldn't find the words to say so in impulse, she had kissed him.

With her cheeks blushing in brightly pinkish glow, she buried herself on his shoulder. Siva wasn't crying or anything, but he was silent.... frozen.

That kiss...............

It's his first kiss.... albeit mentally.


"Sssshh.... just let me do this." She pulled his sleeve and whispered in her sweet and overly gentle trademark voice, "What Janus showed me is how this world came to be, and he also told me about the mission Terra gave you upon the end of that war."

"That war...."

Siva murmured and paused for a moment while looking at her buried face on his upper arm.

A few moments after, he faced upfront as if he was looking at something far away as he spoke as if he was telling a story. "I have little memory of what happened in that war, 56 years ago. But I have a feeling that it did not end with the Terrans winning or the Demon Horde losing. Something happened that made this world survive."

Scion shook her head, "I don't know as well. The old man showed me that this world was born with you, Siva, being one of the center people but since your purpose was not needed during that time, you were told to sleep and only wake up at the right moment that you are needed."


"But majority of the things I saw and heard from the old man is about your hatred of the world and about the things that happened after that war. He also told me to never leave your side a-and..."


Scion paused in silence.

"Ah! Awawawawa.... hey!"

But not even a moment later, she bit Siva's arm as if she was tearing it off that it not only startled him but actually felt fearful by the sudden 'violence' of this docile and gentle girl.

She raised her head, her face blushing pink. Siva felt his heart pounding as he stared at her pouting and seemingly seductive glare.

"I just kissed you right now and you don't even have anything to tell me and just kept asking me things about this and that? That was my first kiss!"

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