Chapter 100: It's over 10,000!!!

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Chapter 100: It's over 10,000!!!

Draco seeped on his tea again and spoke up to the female Council Member beside him, "Madam Jules, it seems the matter regarding the King Candidate and the Magic Knight is still proceeding without failure."

The old woman scowled at this but she hid it well as she sipped on her tea.

"Neither the Envoy nor anyone in her group has ever attempted to make contact with anyone all this time. It seems they are not aware of who had issued that [Mission]. I will handle this."

"I will leave it to you."

With this exchange, it was easy to understand who in the council Draco's backer was. Given his Grand Knight title and position and even his 'hero' acts as a Dragon Killer, it was still not enough to put him as a member of the Council.

But in this exchange, it was easy to understand just who it was that pulled him up to his seat.

"...and that's how it has ended. Julia is no more. I assure you, the identity of the Magic Knights will remain a secret." The Council Head concluded.

Right after he spoke, Elder Jules, the old woman, cleared her throat to signal her attempt to get the attention of everyone.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Lady Envoy, but I think I have a rather sort of news to deliver."

Eleanor looked at her passively, "Please speak."

"Very well. Lady Envoy, it seems that the head of the Magic Knights... that... Archmage's husband, seems to still be unaware of this problem's resolution."

Eleanor looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Draco smiled in his heart inwardly.

Elder Jules replied, "Originally, the issue should have been resolved yesterday but because of the issue with Julia this morning, which by the way had just been resolved a little bit earlier, the Head Knight of the Magic Knight... Order... is still on his way towards the warehouse."

The reason why Elder Jules was brave enough to speak of this matter is because during the issuing of the World Wide Man Hunt Mission under the authority of the Circle of Magi, they had briefly explained that in order to compensate for this one blunder, especially with the issue of the said King Candidate Offending the same man last night, the matter had been agreed to be buried under the pretense of a compensation.

But with the Man Hunt Mission earlier, the culprit in all of this —Julia— had already been dealt with so should there still be justification for this same man 'taking away' the precious resources of the Council of Elders?

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