Chapter 124: Protector of the Stars

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Chapter 124: Protector of the Stars

Gaia, losing her playfulness and her smile, she slowly floated down until her attractively delicate toe touched the marbled floor of the warehouse where they are currently, and proceeded to bow her head in a submissive gesture.

"Gaia of the High Elves, one of the standing leaders of the Circle of Magi, servant tool of the Creation God, Janus, and Grand Patriarch of the Enchantment Temple, greets the last of the Trinity Gods, Siva of Destruction, representative of the Mortals of the Fallen Mitra... protector of the stars."

For the last four words, there was a pause that brought forth a feeling emphasis to it.

Siva looked down on the bowing Gaia and if one other person was to see this now, they'd at least try to bite their ancestors thinking how did this black smoke-skinned individual referred to as a higher existence than a High Elf?

Elvira, Goddess of Flora and Rain, was one of the beloved daughters of Terra. The race that she started was one that holds the highest of affinity of all the races with affinity to Mana.

Why is it that a High Elf is bowing with so much veneration, fear, and even respect towards the Apollo Race which is not only of the lower status race in the hierarchy of the Gods that they came from, but was actually even cursed and is weak beyond compare from her?

She may not look like it, but Gaia's stats, if she'd even measure it, would at least show a reading that is bordering 1000 with MANA and 800+ on the other stats.

These are the stats of someone who's ready to take on the ascension ceremony to become a full-fledged reincarnated Immortal.

Why would someone like her bow her head to a lowly plebeian like Siva?

"Fallen Mitra..." Siva murmured, "It has been a very long time since I last heard of that place."

Gaia trembled and she lowered her head again.

This time, it was even lower than before, "I seek your forgiveness if I offended you, My Lord..."

Although she was a High Elf, she was innately still a "Tool" who gained its own sentience.

In front of Siva, her beautiful features were but a shell made up of an attractively arranged flesh.

To Siva who had seen and tasted the Universe of Terra during its most brilliant era, a High Elf of her quality was nothing more than 'common'.

It should be noted that back then, the Gods and Immortals that existed are all blessed by Mana, and that they have divine charisma that Siva was so defenseless against, he couldn't help nod in appreciation to their beauty, even go as far as to be entranced on them.

Mitra was a land of mortals. As such, it was very susceptible to corruption... which means they're all innately vulnerable to temptation.

This is the reason why it was all easy for mortals to be tempted by these attractions, especially by the Devil Gods who specialized in this.

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