Chapter 093: Morning Issues

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Chapter 093: Morning Issues

Scarlet wanted to say something else but she did not so and chose to remain silent. She nodded on her left where five of the twelve Magistrates with her went outside to follow Siva's instructions.

On the other hand, "Cortana, scan."

"Done. Just as you've thought, there are indeed a few tracing devices installed in the equipments."

"Are they broken?"

"No, the devices are external. I can hack into their mainframes with no issues but I need you to make contact with them."

Siva smiled and turned to Scarlet, "Seal the area. I don't want anyone spying on what I'm about to do here."

Scarlet bowed and gave the orders to the High Magistrates and they 'floated' around inside the warehouse and cast a special barrier magic. The walls became covered with icy mists that blocked all kinds of scrying, and in one glance, the entire warehouse looked as if it was a room sculpted from writhing white clouds.

"Done." She reported. "No spying devices and Scrying Magic lower than Tier-7 will be able to see what will happen here."

Siva took note of her terms and, again, felt that he and the rest of the world had been living at the bottom of a well because of it.

He walked towards the pile of resources and, with a swipe of his hand 'absorbed' them all inside his Inventory Pus Ultra. He only left a few equipment with the external spying devises attached to them.

"We can use these things in the future." he said.

He began to work on the devices; pulling a panel window, a few NanoCubes, then physically going inside their cases, hacking into their systems with careful precision so as to not damage them.

The first time he did this was back in Alexandria.

Back then, he had to spend quite some time to be able to hack into a simple locking mechanism. But this time, with Cortana, he only needed to make contact and he was already done.

The devices themselves were only thumb-sized; small enough to be put to almost anything.

"For a futuristic spying device, these things are really too big."

"Boss, it's because these devices are installed with audio-visual scanners that sends data within their visual spectrum to their installer; aside from the fact that their battery life is exactly 40 years starting from six hours ago. They're pretty brand new too."

"Oh? So how far is the range of their cover?"

"Well, as far as the eye can see but with precision of only 100 Mega Pixels. They are also only able to optically zoom-in four times."

Siva acknowledged, "Yeah, as small as they are, they cannot be that powerful, considering that their sole purpose is not for entertainment but for spying... its features are already good enough since there are enhancing apps all around the world available for processing what it lacked."

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