Chapter 21: FlowerLord Explodes

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Chapter 021: FlowerLord Explodes

With a light gasp and an action as if he just got out of the sea after an encounter with a prehistoric-era shark, Siva staggered off from Akhenaton's catching motions as if the latter had some kind of pandemic disease.

"My Lord?"

Blinking and taking four steps to stabilize himself, Siva covered his face with his hand trying to look around him for something familiar.

"Wh... what just happened?"

"What do you mean My Lord? I saw you about to fall with your face first so I thought I should catch you but you just recovered just now."

"Fall..." Siva murmured and just as he was about to think of a few more things, he blinked many times again as his formerly chaotic mind cleared and the once unfamiliar memories became a form of book which the recorded memories he could recall and flip through with clarity.

He looked at the humble Immortal and thought of all the information regarding Akhenaton.

"You... you can control your bloodlust clearly?"

"Pardon, My Lord?" It was Akhenaton's time to blink in confusion.

"You are Ahepton Dessert Empire's Akhenaton, the Emperor of Bones, owner of the Throne of Bones... sentenced for an eternal imprisonment in a world of darkness for blaspheming against the name of the Gods."

Hearing this, the confusion on Akhenaton's face was replaced by rancid fear and idolatry as he immediately knelt down in front of Siva, not daring to make a sound or even breathe loudly.

With one knee on the floor, he even lowered his head even more and spoke in awe, "My Lord, this servant had been imprisoned for so long in the world of darkness that in order to pass the time not in vain, he had honed his spirit in the art of tranquil enlightenment. My bloodlust and drive to slaughter will only be unleashed upon the enemies My Lord wants me to point my spear!"

Finishing his actions by cuffing his fist with a palm in front of his lowered head, Akhenaton renewed the vow of his punishment and assured Siva of the leash that granted him the freedom to see the light of day.

Siva blinked, and then straightened his self and a moment later, he gasped yet again as a newly acquired memory surged in the surface of his mind.

He saw his parents, in a white room, they were hugging each other... and then there was his father's and mother's words echoing deeply and clearly into his mind like raging thunder:

"This world holds the secret to the evolution of the Human Race... stop Mefisto from being complete... save Baron... save Terroa... save mom and dad.... don't let anything enter that door...."

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