Chapter 062: Six Minutes More

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Volume 6
Chapter 062: Six Minutes More

"If any opinion matters, then it is as you say it so."

As affectionate as she was with Siva, Rafaela was still part of Goldwyn City. The Goldwyn Family, no matter how rumoured it was that it doesn't exist in the real world, is still part of the [Six Families] and as a member of its household, she wasn't allowed to betray them or else, the enemies will gain a card to play against them.

The Goldwyn Family cannot, in all degree, let the enemies close in on them. Rex, being one of their cards, is essential to the assets of their family.

She could only bite her lip.

Many sinister plots surround Rex Kingsley and it wasn't a good thing for her and her elder sister to get too close to him.

But she's in love. No matter how one sided it was and no matter how shallow it may seem in the very surface of it all, it is still the truth; that the reason why she approached him was because she was really attracted to him and not because of anything else in between.

If there's something, then her identity was a huge hindrance for her.


Whether it was his background, his looks, his very fate itself, or is his personality, it was all attracting to her.

Call it her own shallow heart, but she was still a girl and every girl will love a strong man who could go against everything, even the world, to save the important people in his life.

Even if Rex wasn't good looking, this trait alone is enough to attract her attention.

But add in to the mix his god-level good looks; no woman would be able to resist him.

She may have played around with him before, but it was just her way of loving him. Didn't she tried to stop anyone who wanted to disrupt him back in the War of Two Powers?

Didn't she show Siva her private collection?
(A/N: I haven't revealed anything about this aside from a single line in Volume 5... hehehe... oh, and I really made it BOLD so I leave it to your imagination)

In fact, as revealing and as natural a seductress as she was, she had never gotten a boyfriend in her 20 years of life!

Everything about her... was a product of her elder sister's education. It was just her externa shell.

Underneath her clothes, she is a pure maiden!
(A/N: to all those who spoke ill of Rafaela: >.<)

When they parted back in the Continent of Espada, she had longed and looked forward to the day where she'd see him again.

How long has it been? A month? Two months? It was short in terms of time but her heart ached as she was indeed missing him truly.

She doesn't need her die-hard fans. The person she needs was only him, nobody else.

If it wasn't for her work and her background, she would have long followed Cassiopeia's steps and throw herself at his embrace with abandon.

"Fate is cruel indeed." Rafaela could only sigh. "I am perhaps fated to be away from him from the very start..."

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