Chapter 127: Humanity in a Foreign Land

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Chapter 127: Humanity in a Foreign Land

Siva was currently wearing Janus' gift, the [Beast Blood Pendant] that allowed him to speak with beasts and achieve what an Apollo Race individual couldn't even with their contract.


—true and genuine exchange of thoughts!


Siva, as an Apollo Race player, was given this racial trait that enabled him to understand bits and pieces of a contracted or enslaved beast's intent but never actually talk to them.

But with this item, he now can establish a true sense of communication with beasts of any kind.


Siva flipped his palm and chunks and drums of Dragon Blood appeared next to him.

He commanded to the monsters, "You only have one task... evolve! Eat when you're hungry and drink when you're thirsty! I want you all to push your bloodline to the limits and evolve into a real and genuine dragon! Am I clear?"

He was talking in normal Terran language but as soon as his first word came out, the monsters all turned to listen to him attentively.

Nine large monsters 10m large all looked at him like little children listening to their teacher.

Another thing to take note was his manner. He was clearly dictating them what to do with not a care to what they were thinking or feeling.

—one could only imagine what kind of contract these monsters were forced to take.

But, as a reply, and as soon as they got a whisk of the alluring smell of Dragon Meat and Blood, the monsters became ecstatic and replied.

"I follow!"

"I will eat it, sire!"

"I will do best!"

"Give me enough and I shall evolve!"

"Dragon! Food!"

"Hungry! Thirsty!"

Basically, all monsters are the same and that the 'rankings' are only there to measure the danger level they possess in accordance to the skill level of players. It was on the same comparison with a mortal against a mortal and a God against a God.

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