Chapter 049: Cortana

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Chapter 049: Cortana

"Hello son."


"Before anything else, I will assume that by now, you have at least remembered fragments of the things that happened in the Genesis Chamber. If I am wrong and you haven't remembered anything, you can just skip on this video file and re-watch it when you remember at least what the Genesis Chamber is and how important it is to you and your mission because none of the next things I'm going to say will make sense to you...."

There was a long pause after this and Rex tried to control his breathing as to wait the next part of what his father is going to tell him.

After a while, there was a static fluctuation on his father's body and the same warm smile was on his lips as he greeted Rex.

"Hello son. If you're seeing this then perhaps it all went well since this video file is only encrypted with a facial recognition security measure. But I did hope that that scientist will successfully deliver this package to you...."

As soon as he heard these welcoming words, Rex immediately knew that the man that the Manang had bumped into earlier this morning wasn't just an ordinary scientist.

Neth wasn't here with him right now. This is just a recording and so he just had to listen to whatever his dad has to say.

"...his name is Eosin Bozkovich, if his file is still not edited. In the memory database of Cortana, I uploaded four video files that will only be opened with the right prompt and the right circumstances that I thought will be helpful to you once you have decided to go after your revenge. But if you also don't, and only focus on raising Baron, then those video files will never resurface until Cortana ends up being hacked and the files forcefully retrieved –which either cases still ends up with you either dead or the device is confiscated... but that's just the worst case scenario because The Warden will make sure that nobody else will be privy to the files saved on your device. Assuming that you've successfully utilized its usage, Cortana will always make sure that these files will never be retrieved no matter what. Anyways, enough of the boring part...

"You might be wondering who is Cortana. So to answer this question, just think about her as my apprentice. She is the complementary program of the entire Warden Protocol package. When the entire Warden Protocol was still just a mere program, there were three parts in it; first is the ACTIVE INDEX that was the main core program of the entire package, serving as a watchdog and a knight that guards the only exit and entrance of the Terran Universe from the real world. When I followed you before your mother back then, it was my Warden Avatar that became a sentient being. I was locked for a long time. The Warden used me as a blueprint to create his own personality index, and eventually, by the time I woke up, the tragedy had already taken place."

After this part, Neth paused as he seemed to give Rex some time to digest the words he was telling him.

He knew that it will confuse Rex and he was right.

Rex was in a daze, trying to absorb it all, trying to process it. When he came to, it was just about time that Neth sighed and spoke again.

"The Second part of the package was the INDEX CONSOLE, or in other words, ACCESS PANEL. It serves as the bridge. It was made up of unique sequences and complex adaptive capability that adjusts according to the reactionary outputs of the [Active Index]. To explain it better, an [Authority] cannot manifest its power if it can't reach the 'target' where it had to be applied... the Terran Universe. Such is the importance of the [Access Panel]. But when The Warden gained its sentience, it abandoned its [Divinity] and lost all its ability to use its [Authority], becoming a mortal soul in the Terran Universe at which, he lived on the Terran Universe's version of Planet Earth and experienced the invasion of the LAGRAM Alliance. He did survive and became his own person with a unique personality and an entire history of his own. If you can remember it, The Warden's [Authority] is centered to protecting the Terran Universe from any threats that may come from outside, as well as 'locking' any kind of threat that may come from within that will, one way or another, threaten the real world. When The Warden abandoned its Divinity, it got exposed to the threat of death... and I with it; and so the [Access Panel] became useless as well."

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