Chapter 162: God, Save the Planet

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Chapter 162: God, Save the Planet

Rex was in the sofa, the garage outside in a mess because of the packages.

The houses at both sides of his unit were already sold and their inhabitants already fled with twice the money when their houses were initially bought.

Rex's reconstruction of his unit(s) was on its way.

Manang Fe, perhaps because of her sense of duty or her fear of her McCullers twins and Doctor Martinez have never visited him back even once.

Rex didn't know why but he had a feeling.

AG never contacted him as well.



"How was the contract with the new security of the Townhouse Subdivision?"

[Proceeding smoothly, sir. We've received an email from our good lawyer that they have dispatched an executive-class security detail in the nearest five blocks on our location. All development projects in the area by the government have been cancelled and the NGOs and LGOs are now cooperating with our Company in closing all other establishments of hostile entities within the radius.]

Siva was still gazing intently at his holo–panel, not minding the reports of the "secretary" Cortana that stood on his left side acting like a waitress.

"What about the arrangements for our neighbors and this subdivision?"

[Aside from our allies, all possible hostile entities have been given the scare and warning from our Anonymous Units.]

Siva smiled, "Good." then glanced over at the face in the projector-TV displaying the face of Ethan as the news of his bounty became a sensation to the world and the business sector.

"With the game world calculations and monitoring of our Echelon Network, how much processing resources can you invest into maintaining our assets in the stocks market?"

[The overall processing resources that will be use are 1.235485% of my total hardware capacity.]

Rex glanced over the "items" outside the in the garage and then looked back at Ethan on the holo-panel TV.

"Prioritize on the acquisition of quantum processor units and if we have to assemble them here, order them and do not hesitate to invest our stock assets to our main project."

After he spoke, Rex looked at the design on the holo-panel in front of him.

In it was a design of a new electronic gadget with the label being a gadget for equipping like a normal everyday accessory.

Rex clearly planned to compete with all mainstream consumer products company for electronics.

On a panel window behind it, there was a diagram of his plans... where the goal was acquiring what was stolen from him and the vessel was Matthew, who lived next door.

"With this device providing us a sonar scan, finding it will be a lot easier. I can't get out of this place yet but he can and this will be good enough."

Rex wasn't aware of what [form] it took after it was taken away from him but he knew that if he doesn't get it back his mental instability will only worsen. At the worst-case-scenario, he might even destroy by accident because of this worsening weakness.

"I can feel it, Cortana..."


"...the more time I spend in Terroa, the stronger his pull towards my sanity. The more I use his hand to destroy my enemies, the greater the power he gets from my pain."

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