Chapter 054: Fate Dancers

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Volume 6
Chapter 054: Fate Dancers

Matt drank the glass of water in one gulp.

"Can I take a break?"

Matt didn't wait for a reply as he ran back to his own house. After a few minutes, he came back in a light T-shirt and cool pants.

"Sorry. I am still finding all these... bigger than my plate's maximum capacity."


All this time, [Rex] didn't say any other word as he only waited for Matt. Him, coming back, is already enough of a testament to what Matt's answer will be.

He really didn't make a mistake.

"Matt, I already told you of the circumstances that entrails my request. And although I don't want to impose this on you, I know that you've already patched all the dots together. The World Government is planning to create a utopia where they are the gods by using the Technologies of the game world Terroa to develop their own kind and version of its technologies. Pegasus's plans go even further than that and want to monopolize all of these and embed it on himself using Mefisto as his own medium."

"Absorbing?" Matt impulsively asked but then he thought, if it was possible for this [Rex] to split his own mind into two parts, then it was also possible for the creator of the game itself to combine two parts into one as well.

After he confirmed this thought, Matt asked, "You know, I can't help but feel concerned... we are in the open but the thing we're talking about here is a very sensitive topic. Aren't we compromising too much?"

Matt whispered them but Rex eyed something on his vision and smiled, "Don't worry. The security of this neighborhood is now assured. You can say that for us from The Company, I've made sure that we can operate openly in this place."


"This house and the houses that pincers it have spy tools on them that sends data on the people that has my brother. I've already disabled them and released their hold in these houses, making these houses and this house, now, under my own name. In short, I own these three houses."

When [Rex] spoke to here, he became full of confidence with a tinge of sinister will to kill.

It was a feeling that made Matt shiver.

Rex was obviously just a teenage boy in the same generation as him but he was emitting this very foreign feeling from his body as if he was a real monster from the games.

How could he not feel worried and threatened by him? If one thing, he feel that he was really not the Rex that he called a friend. And on another note, Matt also knew that it was just his sense of prejudice and nothing else.

He knew that this [Rex] is just this because he was pushed in a corner by the real evil people. It was them who created this monster and so Matt is sure that it was also them who will receive the hate of the monster they created.

"By now, they've already noticed the tampered documents of these houses in the national-level archive. It will take them at least a month's time before they could get their hands back to their legal data, and another month's time before they could arrange the new tenants for them."

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