Chapter 161: Inception

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Chapter 161: Inception

Second, the "best event" = history corrects itself.

Even if the players went back in time, they would only be there as "spectators" and although they are able to interact with the universe, no matter how much they tried to change everything, as long as it was on a tolerable degree, since [history] is already written, then it will always correct itself.

Third, the "worst event" = paradox.

Yes, players are not part of the game's codes and should ultimately not be affected by its history; but what if they can be?

What if changing history also changes what they knew of what happened and what other people in the real world knew of history?

This creates a conflict between "what was" and the "what is" of the said time-traveling player.

It may only be a case isolated to the player, but the fact remains that he thought and believed he was part of and had changed his original time's history, thus making said player 'crazy' to the eyes of rest of the world.

A few worst cases of this circumstance is where their real world lives are affected.

What is the scariest poison in existence —both as a person of the real world and as an NPC?

.                                             —idea—

When this paradoxical "idea" of living a history very different to what the real world know of, it will be a detrimental 'fact' hard to swallow for the patient.

Siva understood it very well.

The reason was because even before he played the game, his family suffered from people who are suffering from a case close to this example.

For them, Terroa was the real world and that it was so immersive and so addictive that they thought his family deprived them of their right to go back to the "real world" by imposing those limits to the game.

They thought that the Kingsley Family killed their lives in the "Real World" and trapped them in this horrifying "reality" where they don't have magic, and that they belonged to the group of people that can be seen at the bottom of society's economical food chain. It was a horrible but very accurate way to describe their situation.

Siva was afraid of this third case happening to him and so understood why it seemed that this 'item' was sealed away by the Zodiac Sisters in a very far away location from their own Star Systems.

If what he thought was true, then this device was a bane to this universe... like a tumor... the more it is used, the greater the damage it cause to the entire universe's overall stability.

Considering the filth accumulated because of the Demons' Corruption that will never be cleansed in the universe's [memories], this device will only further stir the filth that the universe was already in the verge of collapse just trying to endure.

The balance was already broken and if Siva, the one who should be tilting back the weight, were to stir up the waters in the bucket, who know just what kind of horrors he could create?

What if he causes a butterfly effect?

Because there was Cortana monitoring his memory and his mental health, he wasn't afraid of losing his way out of the illusion of the paradox... what he is afraid of is causing a Butterfly Effect.

What if the Devils that should have died were alive when he goes back to the present?

What if he misses his time jump and landed on a time very far away from the war 56 years ago?

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