Chapter 048: The Gift

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Chapter 048: The Gift

A mysterious package that came from nowhere.

Rex quickly removed the tapes with the knife; he split and cut, until he saw what was inside the box.

"What is this?"

If it could be described with one word, it was an octagonal-shaped crumpled paper. Blue metal, if it was a proper color in the color wheel, as soft as a silk cloth but the texture and feel was nothing short that of a normal piece of pad paper.

Rex unfolded the blue metallic-feel paper and saw a smaller, more normal, piece of crumpled paper.

"What the heck?"

He set aside the bluish metallic paper and unfolded the crumpled paper and saw there, not an item but a message:

[Son, to use this piece of NanoPaper is just like how you design an Invention back in Terroa. This is a device on its own and has a 500 Yottabytes worth of processing power. You can only design how it will externally look like once so be careful of your design. I suggest that you design it as a device that is away from visibility.

Only when you have designed its external appearance will you be able to have access on its console. To start designing, speak the password written on the surface of the NanoPaper. You will know its capabilities when you finish designing.

Rex, son, I'm sorry if I can't be of much help to you when you fight against the people that's oppressing our family. But please remember that even though I am against violence, I am not against a violent self-defense.

They have hurt us, hurt you, and hurt Baron.

Save him first....

....then deal with revenge later.]

"What is..."

The message was simple, it says only a few sets of paragraphs of fatherly message and advice.

But what made Rex very surprised isn't the message but the letters.

"What language is this? Why... how can I read this language?!"

Visually, he could see the argots of characters that he was seeing for the first time printed on the paper by black ink. It was clear that it was printed using a 21st century laser printing technique and even the paper itself was a vintage pad paper that you can buy anywhere........ in the 21st century.

It looked like ancient hieroglyphics in one glance but the strokes and dents were akin to the change in syllables and forms that was commonly seen on Haponese and Tsaenese alphabets.

There were also circular, rectangular, and linear letters that looked like derivative forms of Koryan, Hebrawic, and Silamic languages.

Clearly, it looked like a language he'd normally knew but on second glance, it can't be translated into any other language that's in existence in this planet. Meaning, it was something else.

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