Chapter 025: Four Days to Jeremiah

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Volume 6
Chapter 025: Four Days to Jeremiah

"Th-This bastard...!!"

"I really want to punch that guy more and more..."


Again, Siva was unusually calm. Though the two couldn't discern the source of Siva's calmness at this moment, Siva himself was thinking of the few implications that were portrayed in this letter.

And just as he was thinking about it as well, when the last bit of the pink scented paper had burned in his fingers the next instant, a resounding DING rung on his ears.




"The Letter From Jeremiah"
Rank "D" Mission

Grand Elder Mage Pistareen, the mysterious and aloof existence that exists as the head and pillar of The Enchantment Temples' Enchanters, had sent a summons. There may be more meaning to this letter than just the physical message.

Rewards: UNKNOWN
Time Limit: 4 Days

You cannot decline the mission.

Failure: Bounty Mission will be issued against you





This was the second time he'd experienced this kind of forced scenario where his own opinion did not matter one bit.

He could only curse and read the content of the quest and while it was simple as it was concise, it also spoke a lot about the attitude of the one who had issued this mission.


"You okay, man?"

Thorn and Volt of course couldn't see the pop up window on his vision because it was a summons specifically intended only for Siva.

As far as the world is concerned, Thorn and Volt are but his two companions. The name of "Siva" meant a lot more in Terroa right now.

Likewise, since he was already named that day in Port City Dragona, there were many organizations in the world who's informed of him by name. And since he had revealed his identity here in Walled City of Alexandria and even been proactively seeking a talk with The Mansion, organizations all around the world had easy access on where they could find him.

"I'm fine." He laughed and sighed with bitterness on his shoulders, "It's just that I've received a forced mission regarding a summons."

"Summons?" Thorn and Volt exchanged looks.

"It seems this Pistareen is a Grand Elder of The Mansion. It says his title is a 'Grand Elder Mage' and just reading this name makes me think of the mysterious Council of Elders in Jeremiah."[1]

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