Chapter 102: Encounter with The Naturals

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Chapter 102: Encounter with The Naturals

Siva was led by Draco, Jules, and the Council Head inside the Warehouse 27's compound. The guards, led by that familiar gatekeeper, blocked off the people who had wanted to barge in and take a peek inside.

The rest of The Council was waiting for them in the entrance of the warehouse and they all wore flattering smiles on their faces.

"Lead the way."

Siva didn't want the pleasantries so he directly bid the Council Head to lead them inside.

But... as soon as Siva entered the warehouse, a crisp voice of concern erupted from the silent and supposedly indifferent-looking Cortana.


Siva stopped walking.

Call it sixth sense or something, but an intuition in his subconscious told him something akin to a dip in a pool —cold yet invisible, but still there— had just 'scanned' him.

"This feeling again!"

It was the familiar feeling he felt last night when that "Julia" scried his memories with an item. This was the sensation of magic being used in him!

[Boss, someone had just scanned you.]

"Yeah I felt it as well. But how did you... oh, I see, so that means it was not only a magical scan but also a scan of that sort as well."

[The scan came from those three people in the corner, far away from our group. They've now discovered that your BMA and Prison Armors are all Inventions. The man in the left side said that you have a high density of Mana and that your body should be stronger than normal; the man on the right had just finished analyzing your equipment set and had finished reporting it to the man in the middle.]

"What?! Shit. Block off all data connections from the outside!"

[Already done. Right now, they have AIs trying to hack my control over the local data network. Hah, thankfully sir, I am me. It's quite a sight to look at those three Battle-AIs struggling.]

Siva doesn't want his secret reported to their HQ.

Although Cortana wasn't laughing, Siva imagined Cortana as a giant being looking at the ants as they tried to 'hack' their way through the blockade and literal "firewall" that she created.

Still, Siva frowned at this. He felt the emergency.

He couldn't let these three know of his secrets so he turned to his left and gave an order to Scarlet.

"Seal off the warehouse!" it was a yell of anger.

"Yes sir." Scarlet felt the urgency on the tone of this command so she didn't dally and immediately made her way to order the High Magistrates to set up their former Tier-7 Barrier Magic.

Siva didn't even bat an eye to the Council Elders as he made his way towards the 'Humans' who had just 'scanned' him both magically and electronically —who had thought that he won't be able to discover their deed.

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