Chapter 084: Absolute Domain

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Chapter 084: Absolute Domain

Draco froze on his feet. When the door shut, he waited a few moments more before unleashing a punch to the wall and shattering it.

"God damn it!" he yelled. In fact, he yelled and also cursed for a good while over before his gaze landed on Zelga. He pulled the man up by his collar and spat curses right at his face. "Because of your stupidity, I have been insulted right off my face in front of my subordinates!"

He threw Zelga back to his chair but Zelga, who was still fuming with hate, didn't get angry at him.

He knew that if he retorted, Draco would have a grip on his neck in regards to the secret deal they had made upon themselves.

Right now, he was a sinner and he doesn't have a right to speak anything about the trouble he had just made.

The price of this mistake affects his plans as well.

And also, in the bigger picture, his greatest sin is the fact that he offended and insulted the Terran Cultural Heritage titular entities: an Archmage.

This was a sin akin to insulting the entire Terran Civilization.

The Circle of Magi is the oldest and only open secret organization that had lasted older than even the oldest record in the Book of Legends.

No one knows their origins.

They are the guardians of the Terrans and during the dark ages where the dragon race ran rampant, pushing the Muans and Terrans to the brink of extinction, the Circle of Magi was one of the very few organizations that had lasted until the end of those bloody days of war.

But today... of those organizations, only the Circle of Magi had remained and thus, they are treated as the Terran Race Living Heritages.

Yet, theirs is an organization that kept to their own and never affiliates themselves in the mundane.

Only their ambassadors and very few agents are able to make contact with them and every time they do appear are always times when Terroa is facing something really historically important.

The outer circle can be considered disciples of the members of the Inner Circle, while those very, very few who were above even the Inner Circle and stand at the same, or even higher, pedestals than an Envoy, are those very, very few people addressed as an Archmage.

Because there are rules about being an Archmage and the biggest is that "one must be outstanding in their Magic Abilities", not many are given this title and that's why such a title is very prestigious that warranted absolute respect and adoration.

Yet now, this titular living cultural heritage of the entire Terran Civilization, an exalted Archmage, was lusted over by a mere King Candidate'.

Even if he's the Emperor of the Terran Race, he would still be beneath the soles of an Archmage and would still need to bow his head when he is in front of one.

And yet... he lusted over her?

In every meaning of the word, Zelga was indeed a moron and a fucking imbecile.

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