Chapter 143: Prince Antukin

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Chapter 143: Prince Antukin


—why does that name sound familiar?

There was a feeling that he had heard that name in some place before. Why does it sound familiar?

But since they're at this junction, there is no more turning back so he still declared his name, "I am the Crown Prince of the Burning Apocalypse Dominion and fourth direct scion of the Great Emperor King, 'Baal', the Belphegor of the Sloth! I am Antukin. We will be together for a long time after this, Terran, as I will personally see to your eternal torture."

Hearing his name actually made Siva laugh.


—a name befitting of a scion of The Belphegor of the Sloth because in the forgotten ancient Mitran Semantics, "Antukin" actually means being 'sleepy' or 'lazy' which is an attribute of The Sloth.

"Hehe... haha...... hahaha..."

Antukin felt really offended. Still, he only frowned and asked, "What is so funny."

Antukin was almost finished charging for this great attack that contained 90% of his Mana.

With his heart and soul towards the art of the spear put in the weapon, a «Resonance» was made and a silhouette of a 'General' —his father, with his mighty pose— appeared behind him.

With both his anger and honor as a warrior put into the line, he will put Siva into a quick death and then torture his soul for eternity.

He was just on the verge of exploding when Siva chortled a bit loudly, "Let me tell you something, Antukin. In that battle... Baal was accompanied by three young centaurs that looked just like him. They were all full of bravado and their tongues all spat at Terra with all the profanities that existed in the world. But in the end, while all three of them fought valiantly in the frontlines, when the odds on the table turned against them, Baal was the first to turn his tail and flee. Hahaha! He was the first to die, stabbed in the back and beheaded. A coward's death...!!"

Antukin's eyes went wide!

"How did you..." it was a secret of their family, the disgrace of their Empire. Only a select few —all of them being loyal subjects— knew of that incident back then. How did this Terran know of it?

"Heh. As I remember it, those brothers of yours are all named 'Tamad' and 'Tinatamad'... and with the last one sounding closer to 'Tinamad' or something... Ahahaha... I really wonder; just how is it that you are all supposed to be smart but actually are stupid at the same time?"
(AN: just a simple pun for "timidity". Pls Google it.)

The frowning orcish face was ugly and yet it was even uglier now as his eyes became slits. Fire was spewing out of his nostrils, his upward tusks trembling as he gnashed his teeth in rage.

Antukin was really getting angry.

Siva raised his sword in a stabbing-charge posture.

Charging-Sword Style—


—a practical sword technique copied from the Net.

"Kamaitachi" is a sword posture that has a PASSIVE attribute despite being an offensive ability. There are actually four starting posture for this sword form of the early Hapon Imperial Era and all these four stances leads to one conclusion in the entirety of the [ability].

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