Chapter 002: Short Relief From Pain

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Chapter 002: Short Relief From Pain

"Thorn, I need you to check on something for me down the cellars."

Thorn blinked in confusion.

"What are you going to check out there for?"

"A Black Ball."


When Siva spoke at this part, none of the members of The Company became relaxed. One should remember that a Black Ball is a Demon Commander's source of strength. It's what makes them a terrible enemy, and that's what makes them valuable resources.

It was their heart. For Inventors, Black Balls are treasure items. It has a value comparable to MODs.

Thorn couldn't help but exclaim, "But how did a Black Ball ended up in the cellar dungeons?"

Siva tried to prop his body up but there were jolts of pain that assailed him and he almost fell on his face if not for Scion who supported him up.

With heavy breathing, he told him "Mefisto is not an ordinary Demon Commander. He is the highest ranking Demon among their horde; he is the very first Demon... the so called First Born of their entire Devil Race."

Devil Race... it was a new word. A villainous word.

And yet, for him to know about this, would this be a [game content] that will be released in the future if a player unlocked it?

"It's no wonder." Murmured one of the players, "I saw the videos of Master Hagrid's fight in Dragona and could tell that whatever it was he was fighting there, it definitely looked like a devil."

"I saw a video once" nodded another User. "When the perpetrator of Dragona's destruction managed to enter the Central Pagoda, that figure had black skin and horns with eyes blazing red like fire... my friend who recorded the video died but he was able to gain back the money to buy another Avatar from selling the rights of the Video to TDT."

"TDT? Terroa-Day-Today, right? Isn't that where Kathleen Brew is a host?"

"Aye. If TDT bought the video, then its authenticity is real. But I heard that Kathleen Brew was there herself and that the videos they showed in TDT were exclusive ones."

"Not all of the videos showed in TDT are theirs, some of them were bought exclusively from the players who were there when it happened."

Many who heard this nodded in accord while there are also others who recalled the eventual circumstances that occurred in Dragona.

Back then, they all clearly heard the rumors saying that that "Devil" was Mefisto... and yet on the more famous videos circulated in the net, with the sworn written accounts of the ones online at that time regarding a scene that said Hagrid did indeed fought Mefisto and not Siva, they all saw and knew that for some unknown reason, there were two Mefistos and that one of these two Mefistos had managed to 'possess' Siva's avatar in Dragona and cause havoc there... leading to the conclusion that Siva was still Siva but he was just [cursed] by Mefisto in Dragona.

This was a majorly accepted theory.

Although such a notion (NPCs taking over a player avatar) was absurd, this thing did occur in the Port City of Dragona so majority of the people and fans of RPG: Terroa had no choice but to agree.

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